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Movoda Forum - Cards competition - win 231 cards!

2024-01-02 10:54:49 - pibird [Home] - Cards competition - win 231 cards!

I earned 231 cards this year.
Of 23 different cards.

To win all 231 cards guess:
A. the type of card I earned the most of
B. (tiebreaker if required) how many of that card

Edits are allowed to the guess.
1 guess per character.
Competition ends January 31st midnight game time.
In the event of two guesses (A+B) being the same, the earlier post will win.
If you are muted, you can message me and I will add to the post. The time I then post is the time that is taken into account.

iLikeJam is the winner

55 furnace cards was the answer.

Last Edited: 2024-02-02 06:43:37

2024-01-02 13:02:39 - Pointless [~AA~] - Re: Cards competition - win 231 cards!

69 Lumber

2024-01-02 13:14:14 - jinx [MAD] - Re: Cards competition - win 231 cards!

44 Storage

2024-01-02 14:24:41 - Dya [X] - Re: Cards competition - win 231 cards!

44 speed

2024-01-02 17:52:55 - Odysseus [BEST] - Re: Cards competition - win 231 cards!

38 bear cards

2024-01-03 04:13:22 - Gwork [Olympus] - Re: Cards competition - win 231 cards!

Bear card, 35

2024-01-03 04:52:20 - Draken_Drainz [Avalon] - Re: Cards competition - win 231 cards!

67 Speed

2024-01-03 04:54:45 - Balrog Of Moria [AlterEgo] - Re: Cards competition - win 231 cards!

88 tuna card

2024-01-03 14:50:13 - RhandAltor [MAD] - Re: Cards competition - win 231 cards!

24 stitching cards
Last Edited: 2024-01-23 06:44:28

2024-01-03 14:51:42 - Smitts [Ghost] - Re: Cards competition - win 231 cards!

Speed 31

2024-01-03 14:58:20 - Protoculteur [Bubble] - Re: Cards competition - win 231 cards!

13 storage cards

2024-01-11 14:26:06 - SirKnight [Bubble] - Re: Cards competition - win 231 cards!

37 lumber cards

2024-01-11 14:27:43 - Yahweh [*NI*] - Re: Cards competition - win 231 cards!

38 storage
Last Edited: 2024-01-11 14:28:08

2024-01-16 15:49:30 - pibird [Home] - Re: Cards competition - win 231 cards!


2024-01-20 08:08:18 - iLikeJam [SMSHD1s] - Re: Cards competition - win 231 cards!

40 Furnace Cards

2024-02-02 06:43:43 - pibird [Home] - Re: Cards competition - win 231 cards!

iLikeJam is the winner

55 furnace cards was the answer.

2024-02-02 06:51:40 - Draken_Drainz [Avalon] - Re: Cards competition - win 231 cards!


2024-02-02 08:28:34 - iLikeJam [SMSHD1s] - Re: Cards competition - win 231 cards!

Ty Pi and ty to all the other worthy competitors

As your King of the Cards Competition Winner for 2023 here is a list of all the cards!

3 Bass Card (0 stones)
28 Bear Card (0 stones)
1 Birthday Card (0 stones)
16 Chef Card (0 stones)
10 Chopping Card (0 stones)
3 Coal Card (0 stones)
1 Diamond Pocketknife Card (0 stones)
8 Duranium Card (0 stones)
55 Furnace Card (0 stones)
4 Golden Gardening Trowel Card (0 stones)
11 Golden Hatchet Card (0 stones)
5 Golden Pickaxe Card (0 stones)
7 Golden Tinderbox Card (0 stones)
12 Greenhouse Card (0 stones)
4 Harvest Card (0 stones)
1 Jungle Card (0 stones)
7 Magic Fish Card (0 stones)
19 Shock Card (0 stones)
4 Silver Pocketknife Card (0 stones)
5 Speed Card (0 stones)
3 Stitching Card (0 stones)
3 Stone Card (0 stones)
21 Storage Card (0 stones)