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Movoda Forum - Ironwoodrpg

2024-07-20 09:52:58 - Lemon [Bubble] - Ironwoodrpg


Another timer game, this one has no botchecks.
Unfortunately there is no integral chat system, but that could be considered a boon!

A few of us are there in the guild called "TheMovodians" - feel free to join us!

Last Edited: 2024-08-02 15:16:00

2024-07-28 14:57:11 - No one [Paridise] - Re: Ironwoodrpg

So is this game all about the Grind?

Only been playing it for the last week or so

2024-07-28 17:12:08 - Hotaru [*NI*] - Re: Ironwoodrpg

I'm there as Hotaru.

2024-07-28 17:30:32 - Lemon [Bubble] - Re: Ironwoodrpg

We're guild rank ##65 (approx) if you want to seek us out.

2024-08-16 07:15:01 - Lemon [Bubble] - Re: Ironwoodrpg

Guild gathering event started!
Get 1% gathering efficiency in the next 48 hours if you join.

2024-08-16 07:16:38 - OConnor [Sane?] - Re: Ironwoodrpg

just started, what level is the guild?

2024-08-16 07:18:49 - Lemon [Bubble] - Re: Ironwoodrpg

Level 68

2024-08-23 09:39:01 - Lemon [Bubble] - Re: Ironwoodrpg

Crafting event starting soon...

Crafting event started! an extra 2% efficency for any consecutive 24 hours in the next 48 hours (join the event when you have a stash of mats to craft).
Last Edited: 2024-08-24 17:07:07

2024-08-23 09:57:26 - Alex [Home] - Re: Ironwoodrpg

Nick Alex already taken