Movoda Manual - RebelGenius

Getting Started
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High-Tech Redneck

Hello everyone!! My name is Dustin Williams, and I'm probably going to be one of the worst people in this game for quite a while..... I guess that about covers it. If you want to know more, just message me and ask.

Rebel Genius

Member Since: 2007-07-12 22:23:22
Active playing time: 53 Days, 12 Hours, 48 Minutes
Member Number: 0000002405
Character Experience: 708,730
Character Level: 28
Highest Skill: Combat Level 29
Nationality: Faldorian

Rebel Genius's Skills
  • Combat Level 29 (901,447 Exp)
  • Woodcutting Level 19 (205,683 Exp)
  • Construction Level 17 (131,206 Exp)
  • Speed Level 16 (108,583 Exp)
  • Crafting Level 15 (89,271 Exp)
  • Cooking Level 15 (86,996 Exp)
  • Trading Level 3 (1,437 Exp)

Monsters killed by Rebel Genius
  • 27,237 Bear
  • 1 Bunny
  • 28,179 Cougar
  • 6,347 Deer
  • 3,078 Fox
  • 46 Ghost
  • 5,260 Grizzly Bear
  • 145 Wolf

Blood, Despair, Visions, and Insanity

Blood... The essence of life.
As the mask of blood slowly blurs my vision, I know I am alive, and that there are some things worth fighting for, even through the living death... The hell I find myself in at this very moment...
Thank you Clint Burleigh.

Despair... The insanity of depression.
At the very depths of my soul, when sadness had pushed me to the bottom of the bottomless abyss, I despaired that I would never see the light of day again. I was depressed to the point of not being able to move, but then there was a light. This light seemed to be a little girl, only, it was coming from behind her, the light of the Cross. She had come to take my hand and get me started back on the path home, to Heaven, through Jesus.
Thank you Rachael Marie Miller.

Visions... Shades of my past coming back to haunt me.
The things I've done. I am always in pain, and I feel I deserve it. The feeling of a cracked rib, a bruised muscle in my chest making it hard to breathe. I've earned it all. I have earned the wrath of God in my past, and it's because of that fact that I shall not even begin to tell of the unspeakable things of which I have done.
..... Thank you Allison.

Insanity... Visions of being broken.
I lay in bed asleep, I awake trembling in fear that the blood dripping from that lifeless wrist to the hardwood floor below, that the blade in that wrist, that the very wrist itself, belongs to a loved one. As friend by friend, smiling face by smiling face, text by text, my fear is slowly extinguished, I jacknife up in bed, run out into the woods, and hit my knees. Realizing that it was not just one, but all of my friends who lay there lifeless, as well as myself. This was a vision of the future, and if I didn't stop, I would do this to all of us.
Thank you everyone, the Lord most of all, for helping me to realize this.

These are all the skills I have any levels in whatsoever, and their growth over roughly the past month.

Pathetic isn't it? I kind of forgot about the game for a while.....

Well, if you're still here you might as well sign it I guess..... Don't know why you'd want to though. *Shrugs*

Glassy was first to sign her little funny bunny's page
Dustin: Funnie Bunny. Funnie

D-strike the adorable mini kitty butler smushes a full-size pie in your face.

Hey RG, thought I would drop round and say hi.