Movoda Manual - SpiritsofDivineValiance

Getting Started
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“Swift as spirits, dark as the abyss, silent as shadows, steady as the earth,

forceful as flames, commanding as the wind; true to each other, we are Panthera.”

A Brief History of the Panthera

The panthera have always been a secluded and isolated race. Their isolation came from both
choice and circumstance. For, every race that inhabited the land of Albidion seemed intent on
causing the race's extinction. The dwarves wished to know the secret to panthera gem
manipulation, and thought it easier to steal the knowledge and kill who resisted.
The humans, like the dwarves, wished to know the secrets the panthera guarded so closely;
but also valued their pelts for the warmth a Pantherian Cloak could provide.

The mighty orcs wished nothing more than to test the mettle of the great jaguaar-like
men on the battlefield time and time again. The Andorians and Serpentine alike considered
the panthera to be one of the greatest prey to persue; and to slay one was a high mark of honor.
Lycans and werewolves both referred to panthera as their “enemies through blood”.
Even the elves, stoic and disconnected in their nature, did not wish to share their sacred woods
with the panthera.

The only beings that have ever been known to peacefully coexist with the panthera were
the ones that represented nature itself.
Mighty treants and playful forrest spirits loved and often protected the wayward race.
For, unlike most races, the panthera did not come to force themselves upon nature;
but to live in harmony with what was already in existence.

Deep within the most ancient forrests of Albidion, the panthera race thrived.
Under the protection of nature itself, they remained hidden from the rest of the world;
their existence forgotten.
Over time, they grew bolder and expanded to different regions of the world.
Though the race was thriving under their self-inflicted exile,
many panthera wished to rejoin the world and forge their own destiny; be it for good or ill.
However, even the very young of the panthera knew that history is often apt to repeat itself.

The elders among the panthera knew that if the expansion continued, keeping their
existence a secret would be an impossibility. It was clear that the panthera would
need to prepare for the inevitable; they would need to prepare for war.
It was then that each of the six main prides of Albidion gathered and decided to send their
most tried and true, the most devoted to their cause, out into the world
in order to secure new lands so that they may field an army great enough to conquer any 
who challenged them.


Member Since: 2006-12-03 01:57:54
Active playing time: 347 Days, 14 Hours, 29 Minutes
Member Number: 0000000363
Character Experience: 6,447,699
Character Level: 49
Highest Skill: Smithing Level 64
Nationality: Faldorian
“He Who Resides in Shadows”, was chosen to endure this journey in the name of 
the Shadow Spirits Pride


Member Since: 2006-12-03 05:04:53
Active playing time: 829 Days, 4 Hours, 23 Minutes
Member Number: 0000000365
Character Experience: 43,304,247
Character Level: 80
Highest Skill: Combat Level 90
Nationality: Faldorian
Huntress of the Shadows" and ancient protector of the panthera race,
volunteered her blade and beauty to represent the Primitive Spirits Pride.

These chosen among the panthera made up the Spirits of Divine Valiance Pride.
Devoted to each other, they set out towards the horizon with hopes of securing new territories
to better serve the whole of their race.

Eventually, after a long and challenging journey, they happened upon the lands of Movoda.
The group took notice that the kingdom that claimed dominace over these lands had only
been recently established; not even having passed its first hundred years of existence.
After much debate and consideration, the group decided that any effort to overthrow and replace
the heirarchy that governed these lands would waste many of the precious resources the 
panthera had come to claim. Instead, the Spirits of Divine Valiance Pride agreed to integrate
themselves into society and attempt to steer the development of the lands of Movoda in a
direction that would be benificial to their cause.

And so, unlike the prides of their homeland, the Spirits of Divine Valiance Pride made its 
existence known to the creatures of Movoda and set out to claim new territories and valuable
resources in the name of the Panthera.

Pridestones, the Lights of the Prides

We panthera have always had a strong spiritual connection with gems. Ever since the days of 
the first pride, precious stones have been deeply seated at the roots of our heritage. Each of the
six main prides of Albidion honor one gem more than all the rest for the mystical power they
provide. These “Lights of the Prides” are commonly referred to as Pridestones. Before embarking
upon our great journey to new lands, our pride's culmination was blessed with the recieving of our
very own Light. The Lights of the six main prides culminate to create our pridestone, the black onyx.
It serves as a constant reminder of our dedication and devotion to each other and panthera justice.

How We Function in the Realm of Movoda

There is no allegiance we could make that could break our oaths to each other.
The Spirits of Divine Valiance Pride is an exclusive group. You must adopt the panthera ways as your own in order to join.
We do accept non-panthera members, but they must prove their loyalty to panthera justice before
they can be admitted.
We are not against the making of blood pacts and allegiances with the guilds of Movoda
if it serves our greater purpose.
The panthera are here to stay, we will weather any change, take any challenge, overcome any
obstacle. For our devotion to ourselves keeps us steady.

Panthera Guest Book

2724 People have felt Panthera Justice

Majestic Onyx