Movoda Manual - mad

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Welcome to the wacko wiki of the Movodian Army of Demons

While wondering around, a sudden cold and musky scent hits you in the face. As if that wasn't enough, the smell of burning rubber and something... something definitly worse says hello to your nose. A picture of burning corpses comes to your mind and you barely keep your lunch where it belongs. While trying to shake it off, you look around and notice someone else around you. A little old man nods at you and points into the direction of an old black steel gate.
As you look at it, the gate slightly opens and although you can't see a thing through the small opening, you start shivering all over your body.
You ask the old man where the gate leads to and the old man answers with a strong and powerfull voice:
“This is the gateway to the undergrounds of Movodia, where the demonic army awaits you.”
As you obviously don't believe his story, you start laughing and while looking at the gate you answer the old man:
“Look, you're obviously a very old and crazy man, but an army of demons? Hah, there's no way something like that even exists.”
The old man:“Ahh, a non-believer... Watch my words, your doom will come!”
As you near the gate the old man follows you and although you didn't see it right away, but as both of you approach the gate, the old man seems to get younger and taller...
The burning smell increases and you can see a red glow from beyond the gate, which seems to increase in size every step you take.
By the time you reach the gate, it's at least a 100 feet tall and suddenly bursts into flames! You shield your eyes from the blinding fire and as you stumble back, scared from the immense heat that comes from the gate, you bump in the old man behind you. A castle, a fort of evil! The flaming gate alows you to see the great walls of spikes and the black water which glows eerily under the bridge you stand. Upon turning around and getting ready to run, you notice the old man is not an old man at all, but has turned into one hell of a demon. He laughs in a tremendous voice and dozens of more demonic creatures appear from the shadows, each as mighty and terrifying as the next. From deep behind the gates, you hear screams, terrible, terrible screams. A stunningly sexy, yet strangly demonic women steps out. The woman laughs horribly and yells:“WELCOME TO MY DUNGEON, DARE TO STEP INSIDE?"

Do you dare to step in to the firey depths of Movodian Army of Demons?