Modinator's Stats
Race: modBot
Gender: Female
Age: Younger than Movoda
Hobbies: Warning people, Muting people, Pwning chat noobs
Modinator's Game Stats
Warning: 10
Muting: 10
Temp Banning: 10
Perma Banning: 10
People Muted:
Repneiras – For quoting Monty Python and the Holy Grail – 15 minutes.
" – For saying Modinator – 30 minutes
" – 15 minutes
" – Spam, Sexual Topics (which I don't know how modBot got that from) – 15 minutes
KoRiT Has been Muted for sayin Skanky
gilmon – i guess george carlin is quite profane.
Random Chat Pictuers
Apparently, Modinator is profanity...
Modinator's Guestbook
Everyone should bow down to the almight mod... (whilst plotting behind his back :P) –
Great page Modinator *cough*Rep*cough* – Repneiras
dont make the mod mad, or you will get it.
MOD-BOT-NOOB sucks :).
Modinator's Hit (on) Counter
Modinator has tried to hit on 4481 people by referring them to this page.
Modinator got
by his/her
Bratzer had fun with the modinator.
2007–9-07: Mod Muted ppl for more then 25 letters. lol
Roen bugs the modinator.
Bahahaha this page exists already bahahahah
Alamak The Crazy was muted here >.<
Hi Modinator!
-Combatd, Pikachu of -TC-
xzero121 left a better avatar for the Modinator
Made for mods!