Movoda Manual - Strifebringer

Getting Started
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Member Since: 2007-12-18 19:54:49
Active playing time: 101 Days, 19 Hours, 10 Minutes
Member Number: 0000004082
Character Experience: 1,638,579
Character Level: 35
Highest Skill: Combat Level 31
Nationality: Odtoni

Strifebringer's Skills

This is me with one of the lovely ladies I went to school with:

Add a description for your page, you hippy! – El Jobester

Ziolablue has marked her spot :P

BB Was Here! heehee

Rae Benn Came And Left Her Mark!

Chickaroo imprinted her green thumb on your page!

G'day oh wise leader, you've just been enchanted with a hug from – Temperashional -

Kivrin left her mark

Signs his good friends page

Sweet Moonsugah glomps and runs!

troseyhas stopped by to admire your page :) Nice pictures:)

hi there strife the lurker just mark ur page

Night_Myst came to leave her mark on your page, enjoy

Kandyce *dropped by to say hi*

Lexxy has fondled your page..

Natasha splashed on your page

Mercedes has cast her magic upon your page:)

mistress_cara came to rule you with her agiel. *hugs*
Kriztal came & planted herself here :P

ChopChop says “hi”.

Hail to the bringer of the strife. Thanks for letting me use your kitchen and your fish and for all the good converstions

peachtails bounced by :)

Has hit your page!

Zionist Came to play Tag, Your IT!

Project37? scanned the page. Warning! Admiral Ackbar's a noob! :D

FluffyK watches all whilest they sleep, in the dark of the night.

Just wanting to let ya know – your shoes stink! >:)