Quest Name | Starting Place | Requirements | Author | Started or Finished Quest |
An Expedition | Port Schow | - Completed Deliveries
- Completed The Royal Bass
- Faldorian Citizenship
- Level 3 Mining
- Level 3 Smithing
JustBatman | |
Antidote | Marossa | - Completed Trading with Marossa
Angelbaby | |
Back to School | Cardina | - Crafting Level 20
- Sharp Pocketknife Equipped
- Completed Camping In The Wilderness
RaeRae | |
Back to School
– Freshman Year | Cardina | - Crafting Level 27
- Back to School
pibird | |
Back to School
– Junior Year | Cardina | - Crafting Level 39
- Back to School – Sophmore Year
pibird | |
Back to School
– Senior Year | Cardina | - Crafting Level 45
- Back to School – Junior Year
pibird | |
Back to School
– Sophomore Year | Cardina | - Crafting Level 33
- Back to School – Freshman Year
pibird | |
Berry Delicious | Unopos Mesa | | angelbaby | |
Brewer's Quest | Port Barin | - Cooking Level 39
- Character Level 30
- Equipped Chef's Apron
Bangy | |
Brotherly Competition | Ponat Pier | | Cobia | |
Camping in the Wilderness | Cardina | - Crafting Level 15
- Character Level 10
| Drudon | |
Captain Thomas | HMS Halieutika | - Cards Level 11
- Character Level 50
- Completed Museum Problems III
| pibird | |
Cecil's House | Droesar |
| DosEquis | |
Charlie's Calamity | Mt. Pharos | - Woodcutting Level 35
- Completed Legendary Woodcutting 2
- Completed Logging Camp
Scoffer | |
Chef Alphonse's Apprentice I | Baron Plains | - Cooking Level 22
- Completed Forgot The Ingredients?
| Angelbaby | |
Chef Alphonse's Apprentice II
– The Chef's Seafood | Baron Plains | - Cooking Level 24
- Fishing level 10
- Harvesting level 10
- 600 stone available carrying capacity
- Chef Alphonse's Apprentice I
| Angelbaby | |
Chef Alphonse's Apprentice III
– The Crafter | Baron Plains | - Cooking Level 27
- 225 stone available carrying capacity
- Chef Alphonse's Apprentice II
Angelbaby | |
Clumsy Thomas | Jiroka | - Cards Level 7
- Completed Thomas and the Cards Clip
- Character Level 30
Bratzer | |
Deliveries | Port Schow | - Crafting Level 3
- Completed Lending A Hand
Lastknight | |
Ethel's Orchard | Hikori | |
Scoffer | |
Ethel's Problem | Hikori | - Harvesting Level 30
- 'Completed' Ethel's Orchard
| Scoffer | |
Fishing Strangers #1 | Yisildor Bay | | aquadark, Bratzer | |
Fishing Strangers #2 | Yisildor Bay | - Fishing Level 25
- Finished Fishing Strangers #1
| aquadark, Bratzer | |
Fishing Strangers #3 | Lake Trand | - Character Level 25
- Fishing Level 30
- Finished and Won Fishing Strangers #2
- Faldorian Citizenship
| aquadark, Bratzer | |
Fishing Strangers #4 | Eptile | - Fishing Level 33
- Finished and Won Fishing Strangers #3
- Erfdarian Citizenship
| aquadark, Bratzer | |
Fishing Strangers #5 | Onnix | - Fishing Level 35
- Finished and Won Fishing Strangers #4
- Odtoni Citizenship
| aquadark, Bratzer | |
Fly Like the Wind | Cardina Valley | - Speed Level 25
- Character Level 15
- You must be without speed modifiers
- Completed and Won Run Forrest Run
Bangy | |
Forgot the Ingredients? | Port Barin | - Speed Level 13
- Trading Level 8
- Completed Hammers Galore
- Equipped Messenger Bag
- Equipped Backpack
- Traders Card in inventory
Bangy | |
Gambler's Luck | Port Schow | - Construction Level 8
- Character Level 6
- 1140 stone available carrying capacity
| Veridis | |
Glasses | Martral | - Completed Gambler's Luck (and chose Amber Glasses)
- Harvesting level 10
- Magic level 12 (to use glasses)
- Equipped Amber Glasses
| Angelbaby | |
Good Luck or Bad Luck? | Galawi | - Completed Gambler's Luck (and chose paper note)
| Bratzer | |
Hammers Galore | Lake Essdar | - Trading level 5
- Equipped Messenger Bag
- Completed Lending a Hand
Bangy | |
Help the Old Man | Moskim |
| fritsz | |
Helping a Young Warrior | Moskim | - Character level 5
- Fishing level 2
| Lastknight | |
Highway Robbers | Martral | - Speed level 40
- Combat level ??? (24 is enough)
| Subforshort | |
House of Logs | Martral | - Construction level 20
- Completed In Need of Lumber
- Equipped Iron Saw
| Morbe | |
In Need of Lumber | Droesar | - Character Level 15
- Construction Level 12
- Completed Marcus and the Sawmill
subforshort | |
King Bear Ruckus | Galawi | - Combat Level 15
- Completed Lending a Hand
Bangy | |
Legendary Woodcutting 2 | Moskim | - Woodcutting level 15
- Combat level 10
- Character level 10
| fritsz | |
Lending a Hand | Echtin | - Character Level 3
- 20 Vessi
Mskwik | |
Logging Camp | Ferboi | - Woodcutting Level 20
- Character Level 20
- Possibly completed previous WC quest(s)
- Legendary Woodcutting 2 not a prerequisite
Mskwik | |
Lucky Pick | Onnix | - Character Level 20
- Mining Level 20
- Combat Level 20
- Odtoni Citizenship
subforshort | |
Mack Daddy | Awaru | - 500 stone available carrying capacity
- Completed Lending a Hand
- -1 burn rate (from an item or Master Chef)
Shoaulin | |
Marcus and the Sawmill | Galawi | - Character Level 3
- Construction Level 2
- Have completed Lending a Hand
- 300 stone available carrying capacity
subforshort | |
Meet Thomas Again. | Radom Woods | - Completed The House of Cards
- Cards Level 3
Bratzer | |
Mining Help I | Cardina Valley | - Finished Sebastian's Problem
- Mining Level 35
- Combat Level 25
- Equipped Mining Talisman
pibird | |
Mining Help II | Haldos Outpost | - Finished Mining Help I
- Mining Level 45
- Learned “Digger”
pibird | |
More Deliveries | Hevalus Jungle | - Trading Level 15
- Character Level 30
- Completed Deliveries
| Group Effort | |
Museum Problems | Ferboi | - Cards Level 8
- Character Level 35
- Completed Clumsy Thomas
| pibird | |
Museum Problems II | Lake Essdar | - Cards Level 9
- Character Level 40
- Completed Museum Problems
| pibird | |
Museum Problems III | Mount Pharos | - Cards Level 10
- Character Level 45
- Completed Museum Problems II
| pibird | |
Pioneers #1 – Help the Pioneers | Port Schow | | Bratzer | |
Pioneers #2 – The Second Encounter | Port Barin | - Completed Help the Pioneers
- Smithing level 10
- Combat level 15
| Bratzer | |
Pioneers #3 – Will You Help? | Lake Trand | - Completed The Second Encounter
- Smithing level 25
| Bratzer | |
Quality Goods | Marossa | - Trading Level 18
- Character Level 30
- Combat Level 35
- Completed Trading with Marossa
- Large Wagon equipped
pibird | |
Queen's Jewels | Echtin | - Trading Level 20
- Completed Trading with Marossa
- Completed A Sculpture for the Queen
- Faldorian Citizenship
- Traders Card in inventory
RaeRae | |
Rebels Alliance | Cardina Valley | - Equipped Adamantite-Tipped Whip
- Equipped Steel Hammer
- Smithing level 35
- Combat level 45
| Angelbaby | |
Royal Botanical Society –
Black Pepper | Port Baron | - Harvesting Level 40
- Erfdarian Citizenship
Widdie | |
Royal Botanical Society –
Garlic | Port Baron | - Harvesting Level 35
- Faldorian Citizenship
Widdie | |
Royal Botanical Society –
Sage | Port Baron | - Harvesting Level 45
- Odtoni Citizenship
Malcolm75k | |
Run Forrest Run | Port Barin | |
Bangy | |
Samuel's Iron | Moskim | - Character level 10
- Mining level 10
- Completed The Bronze Pendant
DosEquis | |
Sebastian's Problem | Ponat | - Character level 12
- Mining level 15
- Completed Samuel's Iron
DosEquis | |
The Bronze Pendant | Droesar | - Completed Lending a Hand
- Character Level 5
- Mining level 5
DosEquis | |
The Cards Museum. | Ferboi | - Completed Thomas and the Mines
- Cards Level 4
- Character Level 20
Bratzer | |
The Castle of Dennech Cehuvah | Galawi | - Combat Level 24
- Cooking Level 10
- Character Level 20
- Completed King Bear Quest
| Bangy | |
The Family Hat | Lake Trand | - Character Level 10
- Fishing Level 10
- Completed The Family Rod
- Completed Helping a Young Warrior
Cobia | |
The Family Rod | Lake Essdar | - Completed Brotherly Competition
- Fishing Level 5
- Faldorian Citizenship
Cobia | |
The House of Cards. | Moskim | |
Bratzer | |
The Journey | Ponat Pier | - Magic Level 15
- Combat Level 25
- Level requirements increase for each leg and depend on the path
| Widdie, Kamue | |
The King's Boots | Baron Plains | - Construction Level 10
- Completed Gambler's Luck (and chose leather boots)
- Equipped Leather Boots
- Trading Level 10
| Bratzer | |
The Old Wizard | Uzlea | - Character Level 20
- Magic Level 10
- Combat Level 15
- Woodcutting Level 15
- Erfdarian Citizenship
- Elven Charm Equipped
subforshort | |
The Queen's Servants –
A Sculpture for the Queen | Echtin | - Completed Preparation for the Queen's Royal Meal
- Faldorian Citizenship
CrazedBob & Skilla | |
The Queen's Servants –
Fill the Queen's Zoo | Echtin | - Character Level 10
- Combat Level 5
- Faldorian Citizenship
CrazedBob & Skilla | |
The Queen's Servants –
Preparation for the Queen's Royal Meal | Echtin | - Completed Fill the Queen's Zoo
- Faldorian Citizenship
- Fishing Level 4
CrazedBob & Skilla | |
The Royal Bass | Lake Essdar | - Faldorian Citizenship
- Completed Lending a Hand
- Cooking Level 5
- Fishing level 5
Klisten | |
The Warrior's Secret | Barin Plains | - Character Level 10
- Combat Level 10
- Completed Mack Daddy
Shoaulin | |
Thomas and the Cards Clip | Ravel | - Cards Level 6
- Character Level 20
- Item from Thomas and the Cellblocks equipped
Bratzer | |
Thomas and the Cellblocks. | Ferboi | - Completed The Cards Museum
- Cards Level 5
Fiyona & Bratzer | |
Thomas and the Mines. | Garando Mines | - Completed Meet Thomas Again
- Character Level 15
Bratzer | |
Trading with Marossa | Ponat Pier | - Speed Level 18
- Trading Level 12
- Character Level 20
- Completed Forgot the Ingredients
- Wagon Equipped
Bangy | |
Wandering Traveller | Onnix | - Trading Level 30
- Completed Trading With Marossa
- Large Wagon Equipped
pibird | |
Work with Me! | Haldos Outpost | - Character Level 12
- 500 stone available carrying capacity
Osprey | |