Movoda Manual - Aikon/test3

Getting Started
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Base needed resources for any temple.

30,000 Stone
5,000 Lumber
1,000 Stained Glass
500 Marble

Marble to fit temple can only be bought at some npc shop. (~400v?)
Can be opened to public
Standard tithe per player: 5k vessi
Guild deposit: 20k vessi
Tithe per player after deposit: 1k vessi
+Adjustable fee for non-guild members

Random buff will be known after guild deposit has been paid.

Each temple has specific resources that decorate them according to their element and usage. Each preferably inherent to the skills they're made to represent, but not always feasible.
Descriptions written by pibird :o

Terra Temple

The approach is resplendent with an explosion of chapparals. The living inscription proclaims 'ex nihilo nihil fit'. On entering the Terra Temple, the light shines brilliantly through the ivy encircled windows. Towering, supportive living pillars, twinkle and gleam with gems, scintillating even through the myriad of vines, which are pregnant with the fruits of life. The opulent gem encrusted mosaic floor design appears alive as the light frolics and gambols across its surface. The sheen of the gems perfectly complements the walls, encased as they are in fresh, flourishing verdure. There are no darkened areas, eruptions of plants, light and gems vividly complete the radiant make up of the temple..

Extra needed resources:
50 Emeralds
1600 Bunch of Grapes


So to clarify. You pay the tithe and you get the above buffs for 7 days.
A possible scenario could be:

Pyre Temple

The polished arch at the ingress is incribed: 'Ubi fumus, ibi ignis'. On entering the Pyre Temple, the overriding vision is one of light shining through the richly coloured glass, throwing prisms of radiance across the self perpetuating embers, making them gleam and glisten warmly. The beams dancing a pirouette across the rough hewn blocks which were shaped naturally from the ground. The rays emanating incandescently across the perfectly formed logs, sawn to pre-determined shapes and sizes, silhouetting the structure in hues of red, orange and yellow. Blazing flames from fireplaces cavorting an arabesque of continuous torrents of heat. Sparks from lit sconces perform a tour de force bombardment frenzy of always moving, forever changing patterns, generating an infinity of flickering shadows..

Extra needed resources:
50 Embers
1200 Adamantite Bar


Undine Temple

Following a meandering stream to the waterfall entrance, an inscription clearly eroded into the arch of the Undine Temple, reads the motto 'gutta cavat lapidem'. The sunlight radiates gloriously through the windows, scattering a blue tinge across the interior, harmoniously enhancing in magnificent lustre, the soothing and peaceful atmosphere. A fountain dominates the very centre of the temple, cascading in an ascending and descending pattern, creating a perpetual waterfall. Glimmering orange fish can be glimpsed darting to and fro within the serene waters..

Extra needed resources:
3500 Bottles of Water
50 Magic Fish


Zephyr Temple

The temple blazes from afar, more dazzling than even the sun. The entrance to the Zephyr Temple propitiously testifies 'sic itur ad caeli'. Rich, glossy light floods through the temple windows uninterrupted. The sunlight joyously sparkles auspiciously off the precious gold. Flecks of mica dance continuously in the sunbeams, to a constant, shifting indiscernible tempo. An everlasting aurora coerces the feathers to have a satiny, burnished appearance as they gently ruffle in the light breeze. The lustrous plumage wafts in a puff of gentle air..

Extra needed resources:
10000 Gold Coin
2800 Feathers


Dryad Temple

A distinctly defined path through an esoteric web of flourishing flora leads to a grove with an august temple. An etched dedication above the entrance of the Dryad Temple declares 'sub umbra flore'. The illumination through the many faceted windows is richly tinted green, reflections of the thicket outside. A lattice work of branches steming from a stately tree, design a crowned ceiling. The limbs stretch to every corner and are unhindered by the canopy. The twigs sculpt the structure so it is impossible to recognize where the fabrics of the stone and glass end, and the tree commences..

Extra needed resources:
50 Acorn
5000 Hardwood Logs


Aether Temple

Shimmering in the distance, a mere haze on the horizon, the gargantuan temple looms suddenly closer than perceived. When the miasma briefly clears the lettering on the entrance to the Aether Temple divulges in serpentine words 'genius loci'. On entering, it materialises as insubstantial yet newly constructed, an amalgamation of multiple egresses and swirling winds. The light through the windows, whilst present, casts indeterminable shadows around. Absorbing the unearthly atmosphere, the non corporeal breeze whispers mystically of promises yet to emerge..

Extra needed resources:
50 Vials of Blood
1000 MP (donate MP)


Random buffs list (contains some negative debuffs)
If for instance the +1~+5 Speed Buff are 5 different entries in the list the random generator would call upon it'd make coveted buffs like the +1 MP restore more rare which would probably be preferable as opposed to it picking the +1~5 Speed buff and then figuring out which value in that range to use.. then again I don't really know how you'd handle this :P

Random spell = any spell including meditate, heal and any future ones

Item: Stained Glass
Weight: 2 stones
Class: material
Can be made at crafting lvl 30
XP=30 always success

Item: Vial of Blood
Weight: 1 stones
Class: material

Item: Ember
Weight: 1 stones
Class: material