Movoda Manual - Api

Getting Started
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There are various things available through the Movoda API directory for external sites/developers to use. Some of these are open for anyone to use and some require special registration, pay attention to the description for each section. I try not to have to restrict access to them, but please try and be reasonable when using them. I'll list update frequencies for the somewhat static stuff, if you will need access to the more than the listed update frequency please download and cache them in your application rather than making repeated calls to the server which will return the same data.

Item List

The list of items in-game is available in XML format from:

The exact format is subject to change if more data is added, but the existing information tags should remain in the same format. This information is updated every 2 hours, so new items may take up to 2 hours to show up there and fetching more often than that won't help (You'll always get current data if there haven't been any requests for more than 2 hours)

Remote Authorization

This will allow anyone running an external site to use someone's Movoda account to authenticate against (so for example your fishing service page could use someone's Movoda account ID to track orders or your guild page hosted elsewhere could have a members-only section based on the game login). Passwords or account information are never shared, the return value is just the player ID which combined with the highscores API can give basic guild membership and username/stats.

This is a two step process, first the user is directed by the page that wants authorization to:

This should be a GET request with a single argument of return= which gives the URL on the page to return the user to after authentication. The page will check the users credentials and the referring page and ask whether to allow the particular site access. They can choose to allow or deny it and can have it remembered so in the future the page will immediately redirect back without asking, these site permissions can be found on the settings tab in-game under accounts. After this is complete they will be redirected to the return page specified with the extra arguments of id= to specify the users Movoda user ID and auth= with a large random number.

If the user directed to the page is not logged into Movoda or chooses not to allow access they will be redirected to the same return page with the argument id=0, depending on your application you can ask them to log into Movoda and then try again or ignore it and continue as a guest.

If a user ID is returned the second step is to authenticate the data returned by the user. Your return page can make a GET request to from the web server with the arguments of id= and auth= from the user page and the return= from the page you are checking on. The Movoda server will return a single line of text, either OK if the data is valid or FAIL if it is not. A given set of data will only authenticate properly once to prevent reuse, and it is only valid for 5 minutes from the time it is handed out.