Movoda Manual - BufordH1978

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The order of the Crimson Axe was an ancient society of dwarven assassins who followed a code of honor known as the Dur Afeth. Historically most of its members observed the dwarf father as their primary deity but there is tolerance for those that chose to observe other gods as well.

The original society was created by a dwarven outcast known only as Eloh. Eloh was said to have been a personal bodyguard in service to a corrupt monarch. Eloh was bound by his loyalty to serve this monarch even as the monarch slew his own subjects out of sheer cruelty.

Eloh was infamous among circles of assassins as they believe he was invulnerable since every attempt ever made on the kings life ended in the death of the would-be assassin.

The story goes that Eloh grew tired of the king laughing at Eloh's disgust for him even as he repelled attacker after attacker and so Eloh broke his sword over his knee and fled into the mountains. Eloh lived alone in the mountains as a hermit and only occasionally received visits by the same assassins he had previously repelled. They told him that the monarch was dead. This brought Eloh little joy as he knew in his heart that he had failed, but only through his failure had there been justice and so he lived in conflict with himself.

After a time Eloh resolved that he would never put himself in such a position as he had been in before. He began to take on students and teach them his code of ethics and it was not long before the Crimson Axe was formed. The Order held honor and justice as its two highest ideals and would only take commissions that they deemed were honorable.

Years passed and Eloh decided that he would head into the snowy wastes to search out his own destiny. He left his dwarven brethren with these words, “Honor above all else. Hold your axes high.”

Since then the order has taken other races into their fold on a case by case basis. Some view any profession based on murder as evil and so while the intentions of the Order have always been noble some still saw them as an evil order.

There is currently one survivor of the Crimson Axe--BufordH. He has been known to travel with a young elven apprentice but the order no longer exists in any central location and all the other members have been slain by an unknown assailant.

The Dur Afeth says this:

Honor above all else.
Truth in life and in death.
Serve none but yourself.
Protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Live by the code, die by the blade.