Movoda Manual - Colerak/competitions?/pyramid
©2007 Ninja Squirrel Designs
The Great Pyramids of Bubble
Build a tomb worthy of a God. Pick any skill you haven't worked for while and start building a pyramid on your skill progression graph (example below: a very small woodcutting pyramid). In scoring the pyramids I will take a range of metrics into consideration, including height, width, shape, difficulty in assembling the pyramid and creativity. The more attractive the pyramid is, the more likely you will be to attract a king and his treasures. Even a small pyramid might attract a demi-god, or a lowly god's pet dog incarnate.
To participate, message me your skill of choice and your player number (if you're not sure how to find your player number, ask around and someone will be able to help you). When planning your pyramid, note that the scale of the graph changes depending on xp gained in the skill. Before you start, it may be a good idea to find out what the scales are, so that your pyramid doesn't become too pointy or flat. Although, a pointy pyramid might serve well as an obelisk out the front yard and might just score you a few extra points.
The competition starts August 6th and will close in approximately a month. Winners will be notified in person.
#1 | Player | 0 | TBA | TBA |
#2 | Player | 0 | TBA | TBA |
#3 | Player | 0 | TBA | TBA |
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