20:28:05 Makeveli[SSS]: You ate a Cave Dragon and gained 102 HP
20:28:09 Makeveli[SSS]: no exp though
20:28:25 digidogo[Roots]: some people eat dogs
20:28:34 Guinevere[Roots]: im still scared of them make
20:28:36 Tamara Greystone[SSS]: You have successfully cooked 1 Flatbread.
20:28:39 Alucard[Yarr]: You ate Air and gained 0HP
20:28:58 a_f_c[
Co M]: You ate a Cooked Bass and gained 6 HP
Pale Horse[Zoo]: Cave Dragon will give you a tummy ache Make
20:29:25 Makeveli[SSS]: they are nutriious, but it is only in the tale that dragon has much flavour
Pale Horse[Zoo]: I recommend Baby Dragons, much more tender
20:29:55 Makeveli[SSS]: now to make a ood dragon tale cake you need to first of all aquire a dragon take
20:30:13 TSISQUA[RR*]: a little tail goes a long way
20:30:38 Makeveli[SSS]: but you must boil hte tail heavily to remove the scale and such forth
20:31:00 Makeveli[SSS]: 7 hours on a tender but steady boil will do the trick
20:31:17 Makeveli[SSS]: now some people like to cut up the tale at this tage
20:31:56 Makeveli[SSS]: i dont, i prefer to let it touch the pan to release some of those juices into the veg you will be using
20:32:38 TSISQUA[RR*]: lol well some boil turkeys too go fiqure
20:33:00 shadowslvr1[¤Ð-L¤]: deep fry a turkey yes boil no
20:33:15 Makeveli[SSS]: your usual summer veg are best onion, leek, celery, etc
20:33:16 Alucard[Yarr]: Roat.
20:33:22 Alucard[Yarr]: Roast
20:33:31 Alucard[Yarr]: Ftw.
20:34:13 Makeveli[SSS]: then after the dragon tale has left some flavour on the pan you add the veg to your own liking and take the tail away to cut it up
20:34:59 Zantetsuken[Ghost]: they are nutriious, but it is only in the tale that dragon has much flavour (as in story Tale.. as in a good dragon story is where dragons are best)
20:35:01 *LD likes his tail fresh and pink *
20:35:17 Zantetsuken[Ghost]: but he actually meant to cook them
20:35:27 Alucard[Yarr]: Woo! make should have his own Movodia show.
20:35:30 Alucard[Yarr]: Cooking with Makeveli
20:35:48 Makeveli[SSS]: letting the veg fry at a med heat, checking it as usual, you cut up the tail, best into thin strips, about .5cm thick add other deminsions to your frying capacity
20:36:18 Makeveli[SSS]: but best not to have the pieces too thick as it will be essentially a stir fry
20:36:44 Makeveli[SSS]: now make use your veg is almost or already ready to serve
20:37:08 TSISQUA[RR*]: Please add almonds
20:37:33 Makeveli[SSS]: as at this stage when you add the dragon meat it will only take a few seconds on the pan to heat it and have it ready
20:37:36 Alucard[Yarr]: Since when you add nuts to a meat dish?
20:37:52 TSISQUA[RR*]: always
20:37:57 Makeveli[SSS]: almonds with dragon meat im not leading a sucicide cukt
20:38:13 Chickaroo[TAOM]:
20:38:14 Makeveli[SSS]: as alu said
20:38:34 Makeveli[SSS]: now add the noodles and stry it all together for about 20 seconds
20:38:37 TSISQUA[RR*]: well at least add red chili pepper flakes
20:38:45 mx6dk[¤Ð-L¤]: 20:38:10 shadowslvr1 cast Master Chef on you adding -4 Burn Rate for 34 minutes
Pale Horse[Zoo]: cukt?
Pale Horse[Zoo]: Make, please use words that mean things.
20:39:03 Alucard[Yarr]: Dragon is a red meat
20:39:11 nemiue[Kamikaze]: why not.. it tastes just like chicken..you never had almond chicken before?
20:39:12 Makeveli[SSS]: then serve onto plates, with the natural gravy from the cooking
20:39:18 Alucard[Yarr]: You gotta add ground black pepper.
20:39:34 Makeveli[SSS]: Cukt is a culunary term for a cult
20:39:56 TSISQUA[RR*]: darn i thought all unidentified meat was chicken
20:40:27 Makeveli[SSS]: serve with freshly roasted peppers for those who like to add that ground on the meal
20:40:41 shadowslvr1[¤Ð-L¤]: lol nope Ryne hun... Im cooking soups. and it payback for him casting diggers on me awhile ago. Lol
20:41:05 Alucard[Yarr]: Makeveli, the Iron Chef of Movoda
20:41:16 TSISQUA[RR*]: and i prefer tail that has not been dragoned around on the ground
20:41:21 Makeveli[SSS]: and as always put a little sprig of your favour ite herb on top
20:41:36 Makeveli[SSS]: thank you Alucard my lovely assistant
Pale Horse[Zoo]: It's official, we need to have dragon meat as an item.
20:42:07 *Alucard curtsies. *
crazymom has returned from away
20:42:18 Makeveli[SSS]: next week we shall show you dishes to make with the simple and often over looked corpse of the bronze golem
20:43:19 Alucard[Yarr]: And I'll be teacing you how to make the most of those killer vines.
20:43:21 Makeveli[SSS]: cant believe i just got people to listen to my dragin tail recipe
20:43:31 Alucard[Yarr]: Full of nutrients.
20:43:52 Makeveli[SSS]: yes Alu, that killer vine soup you made us the other day was superb
20:44:00 Makeveli[SSS]: superb and deadly
20:44:03 Freya[@V@]: You picked 1 Bunch of Parsley.
20:44:59 Makeveli[SSS]: and audience, if you do have any recipe suggestions or any bits that are always spare,. let us know, we will see what we can do
20:46:07 *
Pale Horse wonders what magic Make could work with Magic Fish *
20:46:45 Makeveli[SSS]: you will have to wait until episode 7, alu is it 7 we deal with magic fish?
20:47:06 Alucard[Yarr]: Magic Fish served with thyme and a fresh garlic butter sauce
20:47:14 Mandi[
Co M]: Make...make peach salsa...that stuff rocks
20:47:16 Makeveli[SSS]: yeh i think its 7 PH, in episode 7 we will show you haow to get the most of your magic fish
Pale Horse[Zoo]: Awesome
20:47:41 *Makeveli checks the notes *
20:48:04 Makeveli[SSS]: peach salse we were keeping for the trumop card of series two Mandi sssh
20:48:23 Mandi[
Co M]: otay
20:48:27 Makeveli[SSS]: if they already know about it they wont give us the serie
20:50:07 Makeveli[SSS]: that remind of some of what we done for episode 4 balrog
20:50:25 Balrog Of Moria[Tag]: lol make
20:50:25 Makeveli[SSS]: cheaper goulash and gazpacho
20:50:28 Makeveli[SSS]: stay tuned
20:53:13 Makeveli[SSS]: Alu do you have the list of what we will do each episode?
20:53:48 Alucard[Yarr]: Im in the process of wrirting it make
20:55:13 Makeveli[SSS]: ok let me know, i cant be drunk and inventive... nah foret i said that
Lady M[{D}]: hence parsley,
20:55:25 Makeveli[SSS]: what we doing next week agains
20:55:32 *
Beautifl Btrfly 20 throws a cupcake at tiny *
20:55:37 Tamara Greystone[SSS]: Make...
20:55:57 crazymom[Zoo]: make watch your spelling
20:56:09 Alucard[Yarr]: Mountain Goat alla Modanese
20:56:22 Makeveli[SSS]: C-Mom
20:56:30 Alucard[Yarr]: spinach, butter, salt, eggs, Parmesan cheese, nutmeg and croutons. ect.
20:56:30 Makeveli[SSS]: i dont have to Mod does that for me
20:56:38 Makeveli[SSS]: yup
20:56:42 Makeveli[SSS]: titsn
20:57:10 crazymom[Zoo]: but you don't want to be silenced again do you?
20:57:37 *crazymom runs to make and *
20:58:13 Makeveli[SSS]: nah mom, the human mods get one go per week, they get to mute for somthing stupid( or maybe somethign they understand)