Leading and maintaining an active guild can be a lot of work, if all you are after are some buildings of your own in a compound or the extra tag next to your name you may want to check out some of the other guilds out there that are recruiting. Guilds can give you a lot of extra things, but many of them will not be available immediately, it will take time and effort (and probably other people's help) to level your new guild to the point where you have access to many of the things that you see other guild members using from their guilds. You have been warned.
If you are still intent on starting your own guild this is the place to do it. Enter the name and unique tag here and it will be created with you as the leader (you do need to be guildless first). Any other customization, permissions, etc can be done in-game once you get going, but it is not recommended for beginners to jump right in to guild management without being a guild member elsewhere first. There are however all sorts of useful information in the manual to help that should probably be linked here.
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