Movoda Manual - DG

Getting Started
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Im not too good but I have a talent for clan leadership. In [D.G] everyones ( if its not just me :P) views will be taken seriously. There will be clan goals for us to achieve, a clan forum, for chatting about a game or just anything we feel like. If i can do it also a clan chat room. The clan like all others, will have clan ranks. From XXX seat to Vice-captains, and finally captains. If we get enough members i will split us all into squads: 1st squad – 13th squad. These will be called the 13 protections squads. This is what its like:

10th squad captain
Vice-captain( chosen by the squad captain, not myself)

1st seat – *name* ( and also a special tag if you like E.G 1st seat – Hitsugaya *Gladiator ( you can choose your own, if the captain will let you :P)

2nd seat – *name* ( just the same as first, but it goes down to the number of members you have and each member might have its own job)

These squads( if we can achieve it) will have inter-clan competitions E.G Who can donate the most or who can get the funniest video or picture, or who can get a certain item)

Alliances &, eventually, enemies will be made. But don't worry, i wont make alliances with ant old guild. The guilds must meet our criteria:

1. Must have a respectable record E.G no guilds that offend other guilds all the time or are using excruciating embarrassing behavior.

2.( For the members) if you have a valid reason why we should or shouldn't make an alliance with a guild, then their views will be taken seriously.

3. The guilds must have more than, say, 3 members that have better than lvl...2?

If you wish to add this then message me if you are planning on joining.

If you wish to join contact Hitsugaya

Thank you for reading ... or for looking Which i know most of you do :P

No members at the moment xD so im writing to myself, but will make a list of members here. Anyways, pics below :D

By, Hitsugaya –