Movoda Manual - DarklordsofMovoda

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Darklords of Movoda

Goats gone wild at Tropi

The ONLY guild to offer Goat Bingo...

Looking for a guild in a great location with excellent facilities, fun chat and helpful members that will boost you along the way to mastering your skill of choice? Of course you are! DOS in the town of Tropi might just be the guild for you. Not only that, but we are fairly sure we are the only guild in all of Movo land offering goat bingo. But more on that later...


Let's get down to business. We are a small but cooperative guild with great leadership who ensure that everyone who pitches in with the work is rewarded with foods to ease the pain of timers in their skill of choice. We are currently guild level 24 and have a great range of compound facilities. DOS has kitchen facilities for levels 1–59 in cooking, a fast sawmill for all levels, a furnace for smelting bronze to aluminum, a smithy for all levels, a flour mill, six greenhouses and crafting huts for levels 1–39. We are not an aggressive guild but have successfully defended ourselves in raids (and have great allies).

Our illustrious leader

What's our leader like? Oh, that would be Shady 1. He runs the guild with great precision, distributes rewards fairly and he is not even a power-crazed bossyboots! He has a wonderful knack of knowing what you need before even you do! You'll love our little spot by the river, too. Tropi is perched right in the centre of Erfdar and has easy access to town locations for every skill. Unopos Mesa (harvesting), Martral (water fountain) and Port Baron (docks) are only three short hops away.

How you fit in

What do we want from you? Our members all contribute materials to the guild and are expected to help out with the greenhouses. In return, members are encouraged and assisted in working the skills of their choice and supplied with equipment and those yummy foods that fast-track your levelling. We are particularly keen on finding new woodchoppers and harvesters right now but welcome membership inquiries from all skills.

Goats and giggles

But it's not all hard work and no play. We do have a bit of fun in chat and have members from the United States, Europe and Australia so there is usually someone around for a chat at any hour. Oh, and back to that goat bingo business. Our co-leader, goatsandwich, holds the distinction of being an Aussie goat farmer and we like to have a bet on which of his runaway goats will escape next. It's very exciting. No, really!

Who to contact

So you are interested? You could message our leader, Shady 1, or our co-leader, goatsandwich.


Active Playing TimeCharacterHarvestingFishingCookingWoodcuttingConstructionMiningSmithingCraftingCombatMagicSpeedTradingCards

Active Playing Time

RankPlayerActive Playing Time
1Shady941 Days, 3 Hours, 21 Minutes

Character Highscores

RankPlayerLevelExpGained Today (Since Yesterday)
1Shady [Meh]9790,290,021

Harvesting Highscores

RankPlayerLevelExpGained Today (Since Yesterday)
1Shady [Meh]527,932,079

Fishing Highscores

RankPlayerLevelExpGained Today (Since Yesterday)
1Shady [Meh]5510,105,266

Cooking Highscores

RankPlayerLevelExpGained Today (Since Yesterday)
1Shady [Meh]527,581,258

Woodcutting Highscores

RankPlayerLevelExpGained Today (Since Yesterday)
1Shady [Meh]28740,500

Construction Highscores

RankPlayerLevelExpGained Today (Since Yesterday)
1Shady [Meh]423,385,662

Mining Highscores

RankPlayerLevelExpGained Today (Since Yesterday)
1Shady [Meh]361,933,809

Smithing Highscores

RankPlayerLevelExpGained Today (Since Yesterday)
1Shady [Meh]1241,416

Crafting Highscores

RankPlayerLevelExpGained Today (Since Yesterday)
1Shady [Meh]22335,020

Combat Highscores

RankPlayerLevelExpGained Today (Since Yesterday)
1Shady [Meh]115179,155,888

Magic Highscores

RankPlayerLevelExpGained Today (Since Yesterday)
1Shady [Meh]351,671,846

Speed Highscores

RankPlayerLevelExpGained Today (Since Yesterday)
1Shady [Meh]423,549,318

Trading Highscores

RankPlayerLevelExpGained Today (Since Yesterday)
1Shady [Meh]17140,973

Cards Highscores

RankPlayerLevelExpGained Today (Since Yesterday)
1Shady [Meh]67,074

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