Movoda Manual - EMguildquests

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You have found yourself on the Ethereal Mystics Quest Page.

Alright! So you are looking for something to do.. and you decided to do some guild quests. These quests are designed to be a little extra fun that you can work towards as well as it helps the guild. In the end, you get a fun little badge to decorate your player page with and gain some extra XP while you do it! Bottom line though, is have fun. Lets get to the rules......

Rules: (Depending on success, this may be upped to total of 5 badges a month)
On the 1st of the month, 2 new quests will be available to members. One a regular (To be completed by the 14th.), one Elite (To be completed by the end of the month).

On the 15th of the month, 1 new quests will be available to members (To be completed by the end of the month).

New Quests can not be begun until the Badges have been announced. This means: If you have prior knowledge of what the quests will be, you may not begin until the badges have been announced.

Quest progress and completions do not count toward any tasks that are set for you. You will have to choose one or the other. *Note: To be edited at a later time.

Quests MUST be done, while -IN- the guild, can not be done while visiting or by non-guild members. :P.

1197 Think Badges are Wicked Fun.

September ELITE

Sept 1st

Sept 15th

Previous Month