~For My Best Friend Ayla~
~The Best Day Ever~
12:57:39 Noone[Legends]: Ayla sold 1 Ghost Card to Santa's Mega Mall for 1,400,000V
Ayla (1) Faldorian 1,408,447 Vessi
~Second Best Day Ever~
Our First Level Earned
Guild Exp: 9,600,165
Guild Level: 16 (2,182,235 Left)__
~EC~ Trading Cave
To: Ayla
Subject: first thing added to guild :D
2010–08–13 23:09:14
Fed Down has added 49 Stone Block to build 50,000 Stone Storehouse
First thing sold to store :D
11:21:47 Inca has sold 41 Lumber to 7,500 Trading Cave for 164V
First things added to 50k
Fed Down has added 1,075 Sandstone to Ursa Major
11:07:22 Ayla has added 81 Plum to Ursa Major
First building completed 50K
First GH ~ 11:24:18 Ayla had added 117 Lumber to build 1,700 Plant Guild
14:23:02 Ayla[EC~]: You plant the Jalapeno Pepper in the guild greenhouse. The greenhouse is about 0% full. FIRST THING PLANTED
First thing bought at store
00:08:30 Sasha Mkai has bought 22 Cooked Salmon from 7,500 Trading Cave for 88V
First Forrest
13:34:35 Ayla[EC~]: Large Normal Guild Forest (Under Construction) (Building Permissions) (Demolish Building)
2550 people have seen this awesome, fantastic, wonderful, have to see page made by: Tonks 211 thank you for the beautiful wiki <3
I almost forgot to say: Thank you also to all the people that helped make this possible for Ayla and I. *Lots of hugs*