Movoda Manual - ErfdarianMegaMart

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Erfdarian Mega Marts:


Buying Beetle Goulash for 75V (Delete)
Buying Blue Berry for 44V (Delete)
Buying Bottle of Juice for 27V (Delete)
Buying Bottle of Soup for 69V (Delete)
Buying Bunch of Cilantro for 39V (Delete)
Buying Bunch of Grapes for 32V (Delete)
Buying Bunch of Parsley for 38V (Delete)
Buying Fish Kabob for 118V (Delete)
Buying Flatbread for 81V (Delete)
Buying Green Pepper for 25V (Delete)
Buying Herbal Tea for 635V (Delete)
Buying Jalapeno Pepper for 35V (Delete)
Buying Magic Fishstick for 470V (Delete)
Buying Mushroom for 23V (Delete)
Buying Parsnip for 27V (Delete)
Buying Red Berry for 44V (Delete)
Buying Seafood Platter for 69V (Delete)
Buying Seafood Stir Fry for 63V (Delete)
Buying Stew for 99V (Delete)
Buying Stuffed Pepper for 170V (Delete)
Buying Tomato for 21V (Delete)
Buying Tomato Sauce for 152V (Delete)
Buying Turnip for 10V (Delete)
Buying Adamantite 2-Handed Sword for 72V (Delete)
Buying Adamantite Dagger for 62V (Delete)
Buying Adamantite Longsword for 65V (Delete)
Buying Adamantite Short Sword for 60V (Delete)
Buying Adamantite-Tipped Whip for 69V (Delete)
Buying Aluminum Clogs for 58V (Delete)
Buying Aluminum Gauntlets for 60V (Delete)
Buying Aluminum Helmet for 58V (Delete)
Buying Aluminum Plate for 69V (Delete)
Buying Aluminum Quarterstaff for 61V (Delete)
Buying Aluminum Scutum for 60V (Delete)
Buying Aluminum Shin Guards for 58V (Delete)
Buying Aluminum-Weave Armor for 67V (Delete)
Buying Aluminum-Weave Boots for 67V (Delete)
Buying Aluminum-Weave Chaps for 67V (Delete)
Buying Aluminum-Weave Gloves for 67V (Delete)
Buying Bug Horn Necklace for 40V (Delete)
Buying Ceremonial Dagger for 39V (Delete)
Buying Chipwood Jerkin for 44V (Delete)
Buying Elven Boots for 62V (Delete)
Buying Elven Charm for 490V (Delete)
Buying Elven Focus for 64V (Delete)
Buying Elven Hatchet for 58V (Delete)
Buying Elven Pickaxe for 60V (Delete)
Buying Elven Spatula for 53V (Delete)
Buying Fruitcake for 5V (Delete)
Buying Full Aluminum Helm for 60V (Delete)
Buying Headlamp for 57V (Delete)
Buying Helm of Power for 74V (Delete)
Buying Knuckle Guards for 58V (Delete)
Buying Lighter for 58V (Delete)
Buying Ring of Power for 1950V (Delete)
Buying Spellbook for 14V (Delete)
Buying Amber for 1200V (Delete)
Buying Amethyst for 275V (Delete)
Buying Beetle Carapace for 8V (Delete)
Buying Beetle Horn for 1V (Delete)
Buying Beetle Meat for 9V (Delete)
Buying Bunch of Lavender for 310V (Delete)
Buying Bundle of Wheat for 19V (Delete)
Buying Chipwood for 1V (Delete)
Buying Coal for 7V (Delete)
Buying Copper Ore for 3V (Delete)
Buying Diamond for 375V (Delete)
Buying Dough for 78V (Delete)
Buying Emerald for 2000V (Delete)
Buying Flour for 38V (Delete)
Buying Gold Coin for 5V (Delete)
Buying Hardwood Logs for 8V (Delete)
Buying Iron Ore for 5V (Delete)
Buying Jade for 75V (Delete)
Buying Logs for 4V (Delete)
Buying Lumber for 3V (Delete)
Buying Magic Fish for 1100V (Delete)
Buying Opal for 1300V (Delete)
Buying Rope for 2V (Delete)
Buying Ruby for 325V (Delete)
Buying Sapphire for 1500V (Delete)
Buying Small Skull for 2V (Delete)
Buying Stone Block for 6V (Delete)
Buying Tin Ore for 3V (Delete)
Buying Topaz for 1100V (Delete)
Buying Turquoise for 75V (Delete)


Bunch of Cilantro, selling for 40V (Don't sell)
Cooked Haddock, selling for 5V (Don't sell)
Cooked Salmon, selling for 7V (Don't sell)
Cooked Swordfish, selling for 8V (Don't sell)
Flatbread, selling for 82V (Don't sell)
Fried Steak, selling for 130V (Don't sell)
Jalapeno Pepper selling for 36V (Don't sell)
Muffin, selling for 11V (Don't sell)
Seafood Platter, selling for 72V (Don't sell)
Seafood Stir Fry, selling for 64V (Don't sell)
Turnip, selling for 11V (Don't sell)
Adamantite 2-Handed Sword, selling for 73V (Don't sell)
Adamantite Longsword, selling for 66V (Don't sell)
Adamantite Short Sword, selling for 61V (Don't sell)
Aliki Hatchet, selling for 151V (Don't sell)
Aluminum Clogs, selling for 59V (Don't sell)
Aluminum Helmet, selling for 59V (Don't sell)
Aluminum Plate, selling for 70V (Don't sell)
Aluminum Quarterstaff, selling for 62V (Don't sell)
Bronze Hatchet, selling for 16V (Don't sell)
Bug Horn Necklace, selling for 41V (Don't sell)
Ceremonial Dagger, selling for 40V (Don't sell)
Fishing Rod, selling for 17V (Don't sell)
Iron Hatchet, selling for 23V (Don't sell)
Iron Pickaxe, selling for 30V (Don't sell)
Lighter, selling for 60V (Don't sell)
Mining Charm, selling for 30V (Don't sell)
Ring of Power, selling for 2,000V (Don't sell)
Spellbook, selling for 15V (Don't sell)
Steel Hatchet, selling for 41V (Don't sell)
Tinderbox, selling for 30V (Don't sell)
Tinran Hatchet, selling for 151V (Don't sell)
Titanium Hatchet, selling for 96V (Don't sell)
Walking Stick, selling for 10V (Don't sell)
Amethyst, selling for 310V (Don't sell)
Beetle Carapace, selling for 10V (Don't sell)
Beetle Horn, selling for 2V (Don't sell)
Chipwood, selling for 2V (Don't sell)
Coal, selling for 8V (Don't sell)
Dough, selling for 79V (Don't sell)
Gold Coin, selling for 6V (Don't sell)
Rope, selling for 3V (Don't sell)
Ruby, selling for 350V (Don't sell)
Topaz, selling for 1,300V (Don't sell)
Fire Card, selling for 5,000V (Don't sell)
Lumber Card, selling for 70V (Don't sell)
Shock Card, selling for 150V (Don't sell)

753 People Have Shopped In Erfarian MegaMart

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