Located in Rissdra
will try and update this shop as often as possible
Fiyonas nik naks
30 Beetle Goulash (150 stones),
30 Bottle of Juice (90 stones),
7 Bottle of Rum (21 stones),
30 Bottle of Soup (90 stones),
30 Cooked Flounder (60 stones),
43 Fruit Salad (215 stones),
10 Meatloaf (30 stones),
50 Pear (50 stones),
30 Seafood Platter (120 stones),
30 Stuffed Pepper (90 stones),
7 Advanced Spellbook (14 stones),
20 Aluminum Shin Guards (60 stones),
5 Backpack (25 stones),
12 Bamboo Fishing Rod (24 stones),
45 Bronze Hammer (225 stones), )
3 Bronze Hatchet (9 stones),
10 Bronze Leg Guards (80 stones),
70 Bronze Short Sword (280 stones),
10 Bug Horn Necklace (20 stones),
4 Carving Tool (4 stones),
8 Costume Mask (8 stones),
321 Crystal Ball (963 stones),
5 Elite Katana (25 stones),
9 Elven Boots (45 stones),
50 Fishing Rod (100 stones),
2 Harvesting Figurine (2 stones),
10 Hooded Cloak (40 stones),
15 Iron Dagger (30 stones),
10 Knuckle Guards (30 stones),
2 Large Backpack (12 stones),
2 Leather Apron (6 stones),
20 Leather Gloves (40 stones),
9 Mining Ring (9 stones),
9 Nagaromi Pickaxe (27 stones),
2 Pearl Necklace (2 stones),
5 Pocketknife (5 stones),
10 Ring of Speed (10 stones),
9 Ring of the Fish (9 stones),
10 Sled (500 stones),
25 Spellbook (50 stones),
3 Stick of Mental Resolve (12 stones),
2 Tinderbox (4 stones),
18 Tough Gloves (72 stones), )
4 Wizard Robes (16 stones),
19 Woodcutting Talisman (19 stones),
20 Aluminum Bar (40 stones),
50 Beetle Meat (50 stones),
5 Diamond (5 stones),
220 Gold Coin (220 stones),
20 Poisoned Fang (20 stones),
5 Ruby (5 stones),
30 Shark Lure (60 stones),
10 Small Skull (10 stones),
2 Tinran Bar (4 stones),
5 Bear Card (0 stones),
5 Deer Card (0 stones),
10 Wood Card (0 stones),
Buying Bunch of Cilantro
Buying Bunch of Grapes
Buying 100 Herbal Tea
Buying Jalapeno Pepper
Buying 250 Magic Fishstick
Buying Turnip
Buying 200 Bunch of Lavender
Buying Bundle of Wheat
Buying Gold Coin
Buying Magic Fish
Buying Potato
Buying Stone Block
Buying Striped Marlin