Movoda Manual - HHBuyingAndSelling

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Welcome to HumbleHarvesters (HH) guild buying and selling page. Here you will find a list of what we are currently buying and selling in our guild shop located in Onnix.

1381 people have looked at our bargains

Prices last updated:- April 20 2017

Buying Fruit Salad for 140V (Delete)

1,512 Bottle of Juice (4,536 stones), selling for 37V (Don't sell)
1,383 Fish Kabob (5,532 stones), selling for 55V (Don't sell)
1,001 Meatloaf (3,003 stones), selling for 15V (Don't sell)
1,888 Seafood Platter (7,552 stones), selling for 58V (Don't sell)
731 Shark Squibs (2,193 stones), selling for 90V (Don't sell)

35 Adamantite Longsword (210 stones)(Set price)
5 Adamantite-Tipped Whip (35 stones)(Set price)
50 Aliki Gauntlets (300 stones), selling for 140V (Don't sell)
50 Aliki Hammer (350 stones), selling for 65V (Don't sell)
49 Aliki Hatchet (147 stones), selling for 65V (Don't sell)
48 Aliki Hauberk (384 stones), selling for 250V (Don't sell)
50 Aliki Helm (200 stones), selling for 120V (Don't sell)
50 Aliki Labry (400 stones), selling for 250V (Don't sell)
50 Aliki Legs (200 stones), selling for 145V (Don't sell)
50 Aliki Shoes (300 stones), selling for 120V (Don't sell)
50 Aliki Spade (250 stones), selling for 150V (Don't sell)
49 Aliki Targe (294 stones), selling for 200V (Don't sell)
15 Elven Spatula (45 stones)(Set price)
93 Headlamp (279 stones), selling for 100V (Don't sell)
10 Mining Ring (10 stones)(Set price)
50 Steel Drums (500 stones), selling for 195V (Don't sell)
99 Steel Platemail (990 stones), selling for 60V (Don't sell)
50 Titanium Hatchet (150 stones), selling for 40V (Don't sell)
100 Titanium Pickaxe (300 stones), selling for 50V (Don't sell)

33 St. Johns Wort (33 stones), selling for 1,000V (Don't sell)(Don't sell)

If you're after a certain item and we aren't selling it then send a message to either Goliath, SapheraKurenai, and Kairyn and we will see what we can do for you. Thank you for your continued patronage with us and enjoy!