Movoda Manual - JinxsSecondIdea
©2007 Ninja Squirrel Designs
(Quick thing first, I do not know if it is already possible to do this, however everyone I have asked and everything I have tried, it seems it isn't possible, if it is just say so and thats that, thanks.)
Ally shop
If you do not like the idea, fair does, but at least try to give it some constructive criticsm instead of flaming please, let's not all be like scare.. :no:
There are going to be 2 parts to this suggestion, funnily enough named Part 1, and Part 2. Part 1 is a way of implementing it without adding anything new, just a new button basically. Part 2 is a whole new guild building, which I figure would be nice to add for some of the public who crave new buildings it seems..
Before I ramble on about Part 1 and 2, the basic idea of this idea is to have a shop that is only available to guildies and allies. Personally, I would definitely like to have a shop were I could setup trades and cheaper sales between allies, and would like to be able to sell allies some things I would prefer not to sell to other people who arent allies (Raid foods for example.)
Part 1;
This is a much simpler way for this idea. Currently (if you have the permission) you can close stores to the public, so only your guild can view it. Basically this idea is just add another link below that, something along the lines of Only have this shop available to allies. I really can't think of anything else to say on this part, it's quite simple, any questions about it I'll be more than willing to answer.
Part 2;
As I truly expect if this ever gets added it will in the last suggested way (Part 1) I haven't put all that much effort into this.. Basically, at level 20, you can build an Ally Shop. Starting from level 1 (each guild level up to 29 unlocks the next level Ally Shop up until level 10) these shops will be almost identical, other than in level requirements, to normal shops. Perhaps I may play around with the materials a little. Here is a quick, thrown together table of requirements for these shops:-
Level | Level Req. | Size. | Lumber Req. | Stone Blocks. | Exp. | Guid Level Neededl |
1 | 1 | 1,000 | 330 | 160 | 98 | 20 |
2 | 5 | 2,500 | 800 | 400 | 240 | 21 |
3 | 10 | 5,000 | 1,500 | 740 | 448 | 22 |
4 | 15 | 7,500 | 2,300 | 1,100 | 680 | 23 |
5 | 20 | 15,000 | 4,400 | 2,200 | 1,320 | 24 |
6 | 25 | 25,000 | 7,000 | 3,500 | 2,100 | 25 |
7 | 30 | 50,000 | 13,000 | 6,500 | 3,900 | 26 |
8 | 40 | 100,000 | 25,000 | 12,500 | 7,500 | 27 |
9 | 50 | 250,000 | 57,000 | 28,500 | 17,100 | 28 |
10 | 60 | 500,000 | 100,000 | 50,000 | ? | 29 |
I did plan on saying a lot more about this, but it's almost 4am were I am as I type this, so I really can't be bothered, if there are any questions, please ask.
Flame Repellent!
Before I get flamed for the second idea, if you can't see a problem with both ideas, don't bother trying to say there is something wrong with one of them, if you don't mind one, then who cares about the other ;)
Jinx fails...