When a clear cold night turns into another day,
When the sun sets like blood we're sailing out of pirate bay,
The smell of gold is in the air,
To fight the rich that's what we swear,
We don't care what is right we don't care what is wrong,
It's off to the hangman's rope.
If You would like to join our Crew write a msg, put it in a bottle, and set it adrift to Xanthar
Guild Standings
The Crew
| Xanthar Member Since: 2007-10-20 15:17:57 Active playing time: 438 Days, 22 Hours, 27 Minutes Member Number: 0000003463 Character Experience: 29,293,143 Character Level: 73 Highest Skill: Combat Level 84 Nationality: Odtoni Guild: RUNE Guild Position: Leader
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