Lemonz Ranked #5,601 in Character Experience |
Lemonz Ranked #5,087 at Speed |
Lemonz Ranked #4,668 at Mining |
Lemonz Ranked #4,039 at Combat |
Lemonz Ranked #4,080 at Magic |
Lemonz Ranked #4,333 at Trading |
Lemonz Ranked #4,692 at Woodcutting |
Lemonz Ranked #4,405 at Smithing |
Lemonz Ranked #5,932 at Construction |
Lemonz Ranked #4,936 at Cooking |
Lemonz Ranked #4,569 at Fishing |
Lemonz Ranked #3,323 at Crafting |
Lemonz Ranked #3,269 at Harvesting |
Lemonz Ranked #3,318 at Cards |
Skill | Level | Experience | Rank |
Character | 9 | 16,620 | 5,601 |
Combat | 1 | 156 | 4,039 |
Construction | 1 | | 5,932 |
Cooking | 1 | 10 | 4,936 |
Crafting | 2 | 555 | 3,323 |
Fishing | 5 | 3,250 | 4,569 |
Harvesting | 4 | 2,650 | 3,269 |
Magic | 1 | | 4,080 |
Mining | 5 | 4,250 | 4,668 |
Smithing | 1 | | 4,405 |
Speed | 7 | 9,757 | 5,087 |
Trading | 2 | 378 | 4,333 |
Woodcutting | 7 | 10,668 | 4,692 |
Cards | 1 | | 3,318 |
Lemon Dragon!
Thanks for letting Maddness enter your soul! Good luck Lemonz!
Welcome to the guild and you have a great start there.
When that Lemon Dragon comes to help me some time, I'll have Lemon aid... woot woot woot