21:27:42 *Enialis looks over his shoulder, and takes one last look at everyone. as memories blur his vision, he sighs and takes a step and vanishes into shadow. *
Hello There, Nice Page.
You feel about chat the way I do. The kids have no respect for what they say and who they say it to.
You have a good start here White_Dragon was here.
babybmine? Love your Flirt Friend

Enialis has crept out of the shadows to give you a helping hand whenever and wherever it's needed.
Hey Steph Jenn dropped by to say hi!!
Hey Steph this is from your littleman aka boyfriend Dameon

hugs from your flirt friend
I am all up in your grill now cool bean. :P

love the RIOTT

Stoney stopped by 2 say HIGHHH
Discordia stopped in to redecorate your rest room :D
Leonic? has stopped by to leave his mark on your page ;)
Its been great stalking you ;) never had a better stalkie :no: youre awesome :HB:
Stepped out of the shadows to deliver more beer to my frequent customer
willy the really old man stopped in to give lady a hug hugs lady ty for caring
(brightorange) Just poppin by to say Hi! *BB20*
(green)Because I am Da Wolfman
greenday came to say hi
DivineofRexaura? comes by to leave a sexy LL some
ice stoped by and freezed you
357 stopped in with hugs on octoBEER 29th 2009
Stopped by to say hi on Tuesday, November 17th, 2009 at 1:09 p.m.
ladyLynn? came to

you & thank you

be good to you!
Jenn and Samter dropped by with there Christmas card

Hello Great Page.
Ryne?!!(red) was here to give his arena buddy a :hug: and some haddock for next time ;-) :love:
lightangel? came to say hi :) and says ps its me darkslayer did name change

Gold Coin (42) (Rissdra) – Beer Bling
stopped rolling here cause you was a hottie
the bunny found you
lucian? has bitten you and left you forever changed
Scoffer was unchained long enough to come say hi
stooping by wth my 2 boyfrends <3 you fav cous;)
Josy? Dropped in to say hi

Dropped by :)
The Rogue has come and is now gone..
Blackheart?: Invasion scheduled against Steph's Page on 2010–05–12 17:00:00

Reading this and thought of you
aaaHaLongBayaaa? come here and say thank Stephanie's gatherers :)
Pour Vous
Mellow Gold? says hi
Dawnare? stopped by to show some Love