Movoda Manual - MiaPoundstone
©2007 Ninja Squirrel Designs
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Vic: First up for the Monsters, its Allahzilla Babbaganoosh, the murderous mutated eggplant from the Middle Eastern reaches of the Milky Way.
Ken: Yeah, he's got a sidekick; his name is Shishkabobatron.
Vic Romano: And next up, Mia Poundstone. She's a world class Ben Wa ball juggler.
Vic Romano: And next up its Schmegmo, the evil flesh headed monster. [he falls] Oh! And he's down
Kenny Blankenship: Yeah, you can smell him coming 'cause of the cheese under his hood.
Vic Romano: Right you are, Ken. Lets take another look at that run.
Kenny Blankenship: Yeah, right here you can see his hood peeled back exposing his cheesy blue veined head. He shoulda had some kinda Trojan helmet underneath that hood.
Vic Romano: Right you are, Ken.
And here's Chief Wampum Morongo Pechanga, the mascot for the Native American Casino Association.
Kenny: Yeah, Nana Blankenship has her Social Security checks direct-deposited at their casinos.