Movoda Store
The actual store page can be found at
Here is a place to work out ideas/designs for future products. Of course everything will depend on demand, but it generally takes an idea and/or a basic design before I can get even estimates on the price/quantity required to get it into the store for sale. Anything here can be considered in the planning stages, if you have something you would like to see feel free to add a description or comment on the other things you see in progress. If you would like to work on the graphics for a final design for something here contact me and I can get the specifics as to what is required.
Cheap Pens
These would be your standard plastic ballpoint pens, black with white text.
Probably the You successfully wrote 1 sentence, Writing Level XX etc. text but no logo.
Still plastic but the printing seems more durable than the current pens and they're cheaper. No click action or fake metallic trim and not quite as much space no don't think the logo will fit with the rest of the text.

Pricing would be 2 for $1, or a dozen(12) for $5
Number left to break even: 138
Metal Pens
Similar to the current pens offered, but an actual metal design that should be more durable and somewhat heftier to write with.

Pricing would be $4 each
Number left to break even: 29
Odton Postcard
Have ones for Faldor & Erfdar, should probably make it a full set.
Same design as the others or something different?
Status: Idea
Bumper Sticker
Honor Student at Haldos' Academy
Status: Idea
Any thoughts on specifics? Think anything stamped metal has too high a minimum order for what we're looking at. Perhaps something dogtag-like with a ring or more like a lanyard?
Status: Early Idea
Custom Wallpaper
Still an idea, I'll see what I can come up with one day when I'm feeling creative
Status: Idea
Status: Idea
Possibly something similar to the crafting magnet, You are currently preparing 1 cup of coffee etc.
Pricing at $9
Number left to break even: 12
You succesfully smoked 1 cigarette
"Cancer lvl (9,601 exp – 1,879 for next level)"
There are 2 other people smoking here.
Don't suppose a lot of people like black humor though xD
Status: Idea
I did some checking to see what I could find for this sort of thing. Looks like the best looking is to get it done on glass with the design etched/painted. Actual minimum order is in $, not an amount of the same item so can do a couple different designs or even something like a small candy dish or such and get them done together to meet minimum order amounts. Feel free to post other similar stuff/designs and I can verify whether that would work but it looks like this could be doable pretty easily if there's enough interest.

Priced at $4-$5 depending on object
Number left to break even: 0
Desk Clock
Time to botcheck?
Status: Idea