Movoda Manual - NightfirePhoenixCreations

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Work By Nightfire Phoenix

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Here is a compilation of images I have edited on photoshop or created from scratch on paint. NightfirePhoenix
Some of these sigs include my other used nicknames: Da Phoenix? and Phoenix, Nightfire Phoenix is my newest, and i prefer it over the other two, Phoenix is 
always taken on games such as movoda :P

Paint Work

all work featured below i drew using windows paint, before i learnt how to 
use photoshop

the things girls make me do :P

Photoshop Work

one two my favourite phoenix sig's

my first animated sig,i only used the picture of the dragon to do everything including the background and the background movement thing

was done for a contest on a website

my other favourite phoenix sig

first sig for another person, and first one i had done for a long time before it 
was made

i wish the crystal hearts were nicer for Kriztal, but this was the best i could do

i'm very proud to be the one who made this, it was very tricky to edit,
and i'm very proud of the text i thought up, don't often have text cos good
text is hard to think up.

the first one out of two i'm gonna have to do for my brother :P

it's alright, but it was way too hard to try and make it work out, next time
i let someone find their own pics i will give up on them if i can't make it work :P