This is the Total exp gains for every fish up to 40 using each type of foods. Not all numbers are for certain, this is just rough math as for what exp is given. You will also need to take in the fact that you catch certain fish more than others sometimes with can either increase or decrease the numbers i have given you. The only way to see what is what is to test out the system yourself and record the average catchs using soups, whiskey, and stirfries. please feel free to record your catchs in groups of what foods you used so i can edit my numbers.
Soups: -2 Fishing Time for 20 minutes
80 fish per setting
Fish: SA/FA............... Avg Exp............... Total Exp
Mackerel: 10 ............... 10 ............... 800
HMSlvl1: 40 ............... 13.33 ............... 1066
Bass: 12 ............... 12 ............... 960
HMSlevel8: 57 ............... 14.25 ............... 1140
Flounder: 15 ............... 15 ............... 1200
HMSlvl12: 77 ............... 15.4 ............... 1232
Haddock: 18 ............... 18 ............... 1440
Tuna: 28 ............... 28 ............... 2240
HMSlvl20: 101 ............... 25.25 ............... 2020
Sandbar: 30 ............... 30 ............... 2400
Oyster: 45/22 ............... 33.5 ............... 2680
Pike: 50/25 ............... 37.5 ............... 3000
Lobster: 61/30 ............... 45.5 ............... 3640
N / A? ............... 50.75 ............... 4060
Fine Whiskey: -3 Fishing time for 25 minutes.
100 fish per setting
Fish: SA/FA............... Avg Exp............... Total Exp
Mackerel: 10 ............... 10 ............... 1000
HMSlvl1: 40 ............... 13.33 ............... 1333
Bass: 12 ............... 12 ............... 1200
HMSlevel8: 57 ............... 14.25 ............... 1425
Flounder: 15 ............... 15 ............... 1500
HMSlvl12: 77 ............... 15.4 ............... 1540
Haddock: 18 ............... 18 ............... 1800
Tuna: 28 ............... 28 ............... 2800
HMSlvl20: 101 ............... 25.25 ............... 2525
Sandbar: 30 ............... 30 ............... 3000
Oyster: 45/22 ............... 33.5 ............... 3350
Pike: 50/25 ............... 37.5 ............... 3750
Lobster: 61/30 ............... 45.5 ............... 4550
N / A? ............... 38.75/12 ............... 5750
Seafood Stirfry: -1 fishing time for 30 minutes
120 fish per setting
Fish: SA/FA............... Avg Exp............... Total Exp
Mackerel: 10 ............... 10 ............... 1200
HMSlvl1: 40 ............... 13.33 ............... 1599
Bass: 12 ............... 12 ............... 1440
HMSlevel8: 57 ............... 14.25 ............... 1710
Flounder: 15 ............... 15 ............... 1800
HMSlvl12: 77 ............... 15.4 ............... 1848
Haddock: 18 ............... 18 ............... 2160
Tuna: 28 ............... 28 ............... 3360
HMSlvl20: 101 ............... 25.25 ............... 3030
Sandbar: 30 ............... 30 ............... 3600
Oyster: 45/22 ............... 33.5 ............... 4020
Pike: 50/25 ............... 37.5 ............... 4500
Lobster: 61/30 ............... 45.5 ............... 5460
N / A? ............... 38.75/12 ............... 6090