====!!(brightorange)Card Highscores!!====----!!(red)
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
1 | *Zeno* [ΩMNI] | 20 | 211,346 | |
2 | spacecookie? [ΩMNI] | 15 | 84,816 | |
3 | Kali? [ΩMNI] | 11 | 29,031 | |
4 | Soc? [ΩMNI] | 8 | 11,781 | |
5 | Xim? [ΩMNI] | 3 | 890 | |
6 | Garith? [ΩMNI] | 2 | 506 | |
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Combat Highscores
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
1 | Soc? [ΩMNI] | 118 | 199,110,151 | +108,470 (+172,475) | 2 | *Zeno* [ΩMNI] | 109 | 143,616,353 | | 3 | spacecookie? [ΩMNI] | 106 | 127,141,724 | | 4 | Xim? [ΩMNI] | 93 | 76,822,914 | | 5 | Kali? [ΩMNI] | 87 | 58,208,816 | +25,850 (+31,195) | 6 | Garith? [ΩMNI] | 53 | 8,326,094 | | 7 | Salacia? [ΩMNI] | 13 | 50,900 | | 8 | CaveMom? [ΩMNI] | 10 | 21,801 | | 9 | Ares? [ΩMNI] | 9 | 16,375 | |
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Construction Highscores
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
1 | spacecookie? [ΩMNI] | 60 | 13,268,661 | | 2 | Kali? [ΩMNI] | 51 | 7,237,741 | | 3 | Garith? [ΩMNI] | 46 | 4,755,902 | | 4 | *Zeno* [ΩMNI] | 37 | 2,124,719 | | 5 | Soc? [ΩMNI] | 33 | 1,331,616 | | 6 | Xim? [ΩMNI] | 31 | 1,145,186 | | 7 | CaveMom? [ΩMNI] | 26 | 573,695 | | 8 | Ares? [ΩMNI] | 14 | 62,059 | | 9 | Salacia? [ΩMNI] | 10 | 21,937 | |
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Cooking Highscores
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
1 | Kali? [ΩMNI] | 71 | 26,429,821 | | 2 | spacecookie? [ΩMNI] | 62 | 15,637,190 | | 3 | Xim? [ΩMNI] | 53 | 8,582,519 | +845 (+1,781) | 4 | *Zeno* [ΩMNI] | 42 | 3,355,039 | | 5 | Soc? [ΩMNI] | 40 | 2,964,458 | | 6 | CaveMom? [ΩMNI] | 18 | 148,461 | | 7 | Garith? [ΩMNI] | 13 | 57,636 | | 8 | Salacia? [ΩMNI] | 6 | 5,475 | | 9 | Ares? [ΩMNI] | 4 | 2,300 | |
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Crafting Highscores
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
1 | spacecookie? [ΩMNI] | 72 | 27,541,594 | +37,335 (+82,680) | 2 | *Zeno* [ΩMNI] | 28 | 760,475 | | 3 | Kali? [ΩMNI] | 27 | 684,378 | | 4 | Soc? [ΩMNI] | 21 | 267,110 | | 5 | Garith? [ΩMNI] | 19 | 204,413 | | 6 | Xim? [ΩMNI] | 11 | 29,134 | |
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Fishing Highscores
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
1 | spacecookie? [ΩMNI] | 57 | 11,557,174 | | 2 | Salacia? [ΩMNI] | 53 | 8,627,594 | | 3 | Soc? [ΩMNI] | 30 | 909,578 | | 4 | *Zeno* [ΩMNI] | 27 | 615,443 | | 5 | Ares? [ΩMNI] | 20 | 210,604 | | 6 | Kali? [ΩMNI] | 18 | 150,413 | | 7 | Xim? [ΩMNI] | 16 | 115,341 | | 8 | Garith? [ΩMNI] | 14 | 64,438 | |
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Harvesting Highscores
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
1 | Kali? [ΩMNI] | 61 | 14,982,405 | | 2 | spacecookie? [ΩMNI] | 56 | 10,784,670 | | 3 | *Zeno* [ΩMNI] | 43 | 3,868,197 | | 4 | Xim? [ΩMNI] | 34 | 1,580,042 | | 5 | Soc? [ΩMNI] | 32 | 1,216,250 | | 6 | Ares? [ΩMNI] | 27 | 634,298 | | 7 | Salacia? [ΩMNI] | 26 | 597,584 | | 8 | Garith? [ΩMNI] | 18 | 163,598 | | 9 | CaveMom? [ΩMNI] | 14 | 67,650 | |
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Magic Highscores
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
1 | spacecookie? [ΩMNI] | 49 | 6,108,860 | +840 (+1,953) | 2 | Kali? [ΩMNI] | 39 | 2,484,458 | | 3 | *Zeno* [ΩMNI] | 37 | 2,204,640 | | 4 | Soc? [ΩMNI] | 30 | 918,639 | | 5 | Xim? [ΩMNI] | 25 | 526,581 | | 6 | Garith? [ΩMNI] | 21 | 289,461 | | 7 | Salacia? [ΩMNI] | 13 | 53,505 | | 8 | Ares? [ΩMNI] | 9 | 19,836 | | 9 | CaveMom? [ΩMNI] | 4 | 2,631 | |
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Mining Highscores
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
1 | spacecookie? [ΩMNI] | 78 | 38,460,164 | | 2 | Soc? [ΩMNI] | 46 | 5,034,469 | | 3 | Ares? [ΩMNI] | 40 | 2,755,824 | | 4 | Xim? [ΩMNI] | 28 | 778,721 | | 5 | Garith? [ΩMNI] | 28 | 741,782 | | 6 | Kali? [ΩMNI] | 28 | 728,254 | | 7 | *Zeno* [ΩMNI] | 18 | 144,855 | | 8 | Salacia? [ΩMNI] | 12 | 41,665 | |
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Smithing Highscores
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
1 | spacecookie? [ΩMNI] | 86 | 55,695,624 | | 2 | Soc? [ΩMNI] | 76 | 35,166,951 | | 3 | *Zeno* [ΩMNI] | 41 | 3,192,179 | | 4 | Kali? [ΩMNI] | 19 | 173,023 | | 5 | Xim? [ΩMNI] | 17 | 142,564 | | 6 | CaveMom? [ΩMNI] | 15 | 78,189 | | 7 | Garith? [ΩMNI] | 12 | 38,196 | | 8 | Ares? [ΩMNI] | 3 | 1,050 | | 9 | Salacia? [ΩMNI] | 3 | 1,020 | |
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Speed Highscores
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
1 | *Zeno* [ΩMNI] | 58 | 12,206,946 | | 2 | spacecookie? [ΩMNI] | 57 | 11,571,592 | | 3 | Soc? [ΩMNI] | 50 | 6,753,976 | | 4 | Kali? [ΩMNI] | 48 | 5,864,852 | | 5 | Xim? [ΩMNI] | 42 | 3,386,230 | | 6 | Garith? [ΩMNI] | 28 | 717,046 | | 7 | Salacia? [ΩMNI] | 23 | 366,065 | | 8 | Ares? [ΩMNI] | 19 | 191,379 | | 9 | CaveMom? [ΩMNI] | 18 | 150,926 | |
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Trading Highscores
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
1 | *Zeno* [ΩMNI] | 25 | 515,483 | | 2 | spacecookie? [ΩMNI] | 23 | 382,973 | | 3 | Kali? [ΩMNI] | 17 | 138,421 | | 4 | Soc? [ΩMNI] | 16 | 103,132 | | 5 | Xim? [ΩMNI] | 14 | 68,045 | | 6 | CaveMom? [ΩMNI] | 7 | 9,171 | | 7 | Salacia? [ΩMNI] | 7 | 8,170 | | 8 | Garith? [ΩMNI] | 6 | 6,362 | | 9 | Ares? [ΩMNI] | 5 | 3,922 | |
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Woodcutting Highscores
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
1 | spacecookie? [ΩMNI] | 71 | 26,216,446 | | 2 | Garith? [ΩMNI] | 47 | 5,318,307 | | 3 | *Zeno* [ΩMNI] | 33 | 1,326,011 | | 4 | Xim? [ΩMNI] | 31 | 1,132,746 | | 5 | Soc? [ΩMNI] | 31 | 1,029,100 | | 6 | CaveMom? [ΩMNI] | 30 | 928,342 | | 7 | Kali? [ΩMNI] | 29 | 800,945 | | 8 | Ares? [ΩMNI] | 18 | 171,936 | | 9 | Salacia? [ΩMNI] | 18 | 160,719 | |
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Character Highscores
Rank | Player | Level | Exp | Gained Today (Since Yesterday) |
1 | spacecookie? [ΩMNI] | 107 | 132,317,274 | +8,420 (+17,882) | 2 | Soc? [ΩMNI] | 103 | 114,519,457 | +73,931 (+117,855) | 3 | *Zeno* [ΩMNI] | 94 | 79,243,245 | | 4 | Kali? [ΩMNI] | 84 | 51,734,902 | +10,674 (+12,892) | 5 | Xim? [ΩMNI] | 80 | 42,405,763 | | 6 | Garith? [ΩMNI] | 53 | 8,264,678 | | 7 | Salacia? [ΩMNI] | 44 | 4,157,862 | | 8 | Ares? [ΩMNI] | 37 | 2,139,287 | | 9 | CaveMom? [ΩMNI] | 29 | 827,945 | |