Movoda Manual - Onslaught/msksighting

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12:59:31 darren1001[DH]: i thiunk the yellow server looks like a lemonade stand
12:59:37 darren1001[DH]: *think
12:59:44 Ganos Lal?[Bubble]:
12:59:59 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: Every time the yellow server blinks, its trying to give you a shower
13:00:17 Onslaught[Home] -> ed: i did not, that is awsome
13:00:36 Josy[*Y*]: so why dont I have a snowcone?
13:00:41 darren1001[DH]: if it pee on me imma tie its thing in a not
13:00:54 darren1001[DH]: *knot
13:00:55 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: Cuz you dont eat the yellow snow, josy
13:01:23 Josy[*Y*]: yes i do, nothing wrong with it, i love bananas
13:01:36 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: I bet you do
13:01:37 Ganos Lal?[Bubble]: I love bananas too
13:01:45 a_f_c[Kill!]: moved off now Disc
13:01:54 Josy[*Y*]: and I like lemon flavour
13:02:00 Discordia[{-----]:
13:02:06 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: Disc
13:02:11 Josy[*Y*]: it could even be butterscotch
13:02:26 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: Butterscotch *drools*
13:03:15 a_f_c[Kill!]: did your v go up Disc?
13:03:16 Josy[*Y*]: that will make a yellow colour in a snowcone
13:03:24 You have a new message “Re:" from pibird
13:03:35 krunchy[firesoul]:
13:03:36 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: now i want ice cream
13:03:51 darren1001[DH]: lol LE
13:03:55 Kriztal[Crops 4?$]: or pee
13:04:13 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: No, no, i'm certain its ice cream that i want, Kriz
13:04:17 Ganos Lal?[Bubble]: no way
13:04:22 mskwik[Admin]: orange server working okay for everyone now?
13:04:30 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: yes, Msk. Thank you
13:04:41 a_f_c[Kill!]: i think so thanks
13:04:43 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: er, wait, im on red, nvm
13:04:46 darren1001[DH]: was it broken before msk
13:04:50 Onslaught[Home]: im on black server
13:05:06 Pleknor[.We.]: seems to be working fine for me mskwik
13:05:09 Onslaught[Home]: can you fix a few other things while your here?
13:05:32 darren1001[DH]: i gots red server
13:05:33 mskwik[Admin]: think it should be good, just making sure before killing off the yellow one
13:05:38 chicken 64[mfasc]: guild wars still not working for me hehe
13:06:22 chaz[Crops 4?$]: anyone selling mfs?
13:06:28 darren1001[DH]: msk can we has a construction thing to make outhouses in every town
13:06:53 darren1001[DH]: its just a passing thought lol
13:07:00 Kriztal[Crops 4?$]: i got a sort of mustard colour
Brogs_the_First logged in
13:07:08 You have a new message “Re:" from pibird
13:07:20 Wolfmage[Co WL?]: welcome back mis
13:07:30 Kriztal[Crops 4?$]: could be yello
13:07:51 alexa[*I-M~*]: so darren had to go afk to the office, but yes fingers don't want to act right at times
13:07:53 darren1001[DH]: it yellow kriztal
13:08:09 Kriztal[Crops 4?$]: hope your feeling better than you have Msk
13:08:29 Kriztal[Crops 4?$]: well i am on it still i think
13:08:34 Smurfette[Crops 4?$]: for Msk
13:08:44 Kriztal[Crops 4?$]:
13:08:49 *alexa to msk *
13:08:52 darren1001[DH]: msk killing the lemonade stand kriztal
13:09:04 Smurfette[Crops 4?$]: orange is good here
13:09:08 sparkles[DTQ]: msk
13:09:38 Aurora 13?[Onyx]: Msk the lag slayer
13:09:41 darren1001[DH]: smurfette go cut that grass lol
13:09:46 Kriztal[Crops 4?$]: well i think iam on yellow still
13:10:04 Lady Vekma[Zn Sane??]: msk
13:10:16 *a_f_c now fully owns a guild *
13:10:33 alexa[*I-M~*]: afc
13:10:38 sparkles[DTQ]: afc
13:10:46 *darren1001 bids one vessi for afc's guild *
13:10:48 Kriztal[Crops 4?$]: afc
13:10:53 a_f_c[Kill!]: and only 2.9mil to play with now lol
13:10:59 Lady Fae?[La G?]: afc
13:11:41 Onslaught[Home]: @ mskwik: Is their any immediate plans for further development of the game?
13:11:57 Onslaught[Home]: Their are several long time players leaving in recent weeks, including a mod
13:12:21 Onslaught[Home]: The game appears to be running on a skeleton crew
13:12:30 Discordia[{-----]: i must say I feel rather left out, Ive not exerienced any issues with the connection
13:12:44 thesandman[*TA*]: is mskwik on?
13:12:52 Smurfette[Crops 4?$]: Darren i don't want to today i did the rest of house cleaning floors and all now i'm relaxing till it's time to cook BBQ
13:13:09 *darren1001 unplugs discordia's internet connection \ *
13:13:10 Onslaught[Home]: I understand you obviously have real life issues too deal with, but I wouldn't even know whats going on as you have very little contact with the community to let us know whats going on
13:13:18 Onslaught[Home]: yes sandman read chat history he is on
13:13:18 Discordia[{-----]: that works Darren
13:13:52 darren1001[DH]: lol disc
13:14:09 You have a new message “Re:" from pibird
13:14:21 darren1001[DH]: smurfette lol
13:14:29 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: Maybe he could make a forum post answering many of the questions that are being asked
13:14:30 *Smurfette wonders if Darren will be over for BBQ *
13:14:30 Grinder[-]: things appear to be ok with orange here
13:14:41 Grinder[-]: well still a little laggy but not bad
13:15:15 Josy[*Y*]: guess I have to log out and in to try and get on orange?
13:15:55 Discordia[{-----]: im on orange
13:16:10 mskwik[Admin]: yeah, I do need to update some permissions for other people to keep things moving
13:16:35 Lemon[Bubble]: Orange working fine here now – seems much faster than yellow
13:16:37 Discordia[{-----]: Thanks for taking the time to pop intoday
susie090368 logged in
13:16:51 Lady Fae?[La G?]: msk I hope you are well
13:16:53 mskwik[Admin]: as for my own plans i'm really trying not to plan anything long-term at this point
13:16:54 Josy[*Y*]: glad to see your alive
13:16:54 krunchy[firesoul]: until you got to change setups
13:16:57 Lemon[Bubble]: Is yellow going back to blue (OI)? I've been wantiing to use the OI.
13:17:34 Onslaught[Home]: are you still very ill?
13:17:41 thesandman[*TA*]: mskwik can you please respond either to my whispers or messages...
13:17:44 Onslaught[Home]: and will those permisions mean possible updates?
13:18:18 darren1001[DH]: i wants a cookie
13:18:20 mskwik[Admin]: having good days and bad days at this point, but still not to the point where i can reasonably expect to be active for a given period
13:18:40 darren1001[DH]: what was wrong with you msk
13:18:49 a_f_c[Kill!]: hope your better soon msk
13:19:11 *Fear Me is waiting for the return of the penguin invasion *
13:19:28 Skippy[Bubble]: It's good to see you here msk. Hope the good days start to outnumber the bad very soon.
13:19:30 *Josy drops his pants and runs to FM *
13:19:31 a_f_c[Kill!]: cant kill pingu
Lady Traveller logged in
13:20:05 mskwik[Admin]: it's not something that is ever going to be “cured”, but should be able to be controlled enough to not make a difference if/when we figure out the proper combination of meds
13:20:21 Smurfette[Crops 4?$]: i'm with Skippy hope you do get to have many more better days then bad
13:20:37 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: Sorry to hear, msk. hope you get it all sorted soon
Rashgar has returned from away
13:21:19 darren1001[DH]: ok I'm confuzzled here
13:21:27 Onslaught[Home]: something like parkinsons?
13:21:44 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: Rather personal questions, Ons, arent those?
13:21:46 mskwik[Admin]: crohns
13:21:53 Onslaught[Home]: oh damn
13:22:11 Onslaught[Home]: my grandfather had parkinsons why i asked le
13:22:17 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: Ah, ok then
13:22:34 Sweeney Todd[7sins]: well it is
13:22:36 darren1001[DH]: that sucks msk i know someone who has that and it can be painful if i recall right
13:22:37 Onslaught[Home]: thanks for taking the time to address some of these questions
13:23:04 Onslaught[Home]: I hope you are able to get it under control soon and we can see you back more regularly
13:23:13 Sweeney Todd[7sins]: I have crohns too.
13:23:22 Josy[*Y*]: even if its just for a visit
13:23:31 Sweeney Todd[7sins]: it's tricky
13:23:33 Onslaught[Home]: I just hate seeing so many people leave for poorly developed games
13:23:39 Onslaught[Home]: when this one has soo much potential
13:24:37 krunchy[firesoul]: Towelhead around?
Sweeney Todd logged out
13:24:55 mskwik[Admin]: main goal is to keep things running fairly stable, i do hope to get more updates from what other people are working on, but not to the point where it could cause other problems
13:24:59 Onslaught[Home]: i think the aussies are all sleeping, thank god
13:25:28 Onslaught[Home]: yeah, I know a few people are working on things, well at least one
13:25:34 Onslaught[Home]: anything I can do?
13:25:42 Daft Punk[7sins]: Suedy
13:26:04 shroggy[Midas]: ahem Ons, I'm awake
13:26:14 *shroggy slaps Ons really hard *
13:26:33 *darren1001 giggles at shroggy *
13:27:09 Onslaught[Home]: or should i keep chat in line like I always do?
13:27:17 Ganos Lal?[Bubble]:
13:27:41 darren1001[DH]: but who will keep you in line ons
13:27:50 pibird[Home]: me
13:28:04 Onslaught[Home]: boss
13:28:16 darren1001[DH]: lol pibird
Gruntsalot logged out
isenhart logged in
Jo Wickerman logged out
13:29:20 Phoenix.[Death]: Msk?
13:29:32 Discordia[{-----]: You do not have a high enough harvest level to work here. GH hates me
13:29:42 logged has added a new forum thread – Other > “1000 gold coins for a trader”
13:30:03 Princess_Mystiqa[Crops 4?$]: whats a msk
13:30:09 Onslaught[Home]: ill cast gathers on you disgruntle
13:30:11 Phoenix.[Death]: I was hallucinating again wasn't I?
13:30:20 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: No, phoebe, you werent
13:30:26 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: he is on
13:30:38 Phoenix.[Death]: Yay!
13:30:47 *Daft Punk pounces on Discordia *
13:31:02 Phoenix.[Death]: And Le
13:31:17 Onslaught[Home]: he doesn't want too talk to the rest of you, only me
13:31:29 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]:
13:31:43 Phoenix.[Death]: I'm just glad hes ok.
13:32:44 thesandman[*TA*]: can anyone help me regarding account retrieval?
Kriztal logged out
13:33:01 Phoenix.[Death]: Message a mod?
13:33:04 Onslaught[Home]: he said he was fixing permisions, pretty sure he is setting me up so i can banish you all from chat on a whim
13:33:28 thesandman[*TA*]: noone ever responds?
13:33:47 thesandman[*TA*]: ive message mod, message mskwik, emailed admin, whispered etc
13:33:53 pibird[Home]: you need to proof who you were – same as i already telled you
13:33:57 Flame[Others]: Funny how Alaren claimed to have gone to mskwik funeral...lofl
13:33:58 Phoenix.[Death]: They do just takes time.
13:34:08 protect me[Ohana]: these powers you are giving out? can I ask will they be able to mute ban people because others dont like them speaking up to their abusive ness and not just lamely taking it ?
13:34:13 Phoenix.[Death]:
13:34:15 krunchy[firesoul]:
13:34:40 pibird[Home]: else i could wait til aikon logs of, message and say 'ooh, im aikon, but i dont use that email addy anymore – please send a new password to *gives a email addy*
13:35:27 Phoenix.[Death]: She does give a good point
13:35:53 pibird[Home]: i already telled him that also
13:35:56 Ganos Lal?[Bubble]: I'm batman
13:36:00 protect me[Ohana]: like deleting an off topic message just because some dont like that others feel it within their poragative to speak without being told to shut it?
13:36:07 Onslaught[Home]: but aikon is in a guild with us on another game, wouldnt it be easy to verify it was him?
13:36:09 protect me[Ohana]: or forum ?
13:36:13 pibird has removed 200 Swordfish from Cooking Mats
13:36:41 Discordia[{-----]: what forms of verication are required to prove you are whom you say you are
13:36:47 thesandman[*TA*]: pibird.. i can name the first house you ever gave me when we were both in TA.. and its still there.. and only you and I and maybe serpy know the name of it
13:36:58 thesandman[*TA*]: id get muted for saying the name of it in chat
13:37:01 pibird[Home]: mods can mute and edit forums, or mark as inappropriate yes
13:37:02 Daft Punk[7sins]: flogsworth!
13:37:14 Phoenix.[Death]: World chat and forums unfortunately are considered to have freedom of speech with censorship.
13:37:21 protect me[Ohana]: NOT talking to you pibird !!
13:37:28 pibird[Home]: me? inappropraitely name a house?
13:37:37 thesandman[*TA*]: lol
13:37:41 protect me[Ohana]: which is why I got a phone call telling me mskwik was on
13:37:49 pibird has removed 200 Logs from The Monster
13:37:51 a_f_c[Kill!]: can something happen for bad names on houses?
13:37:53 protect me[Ohana]: I am not addressing you as you can be bought
13:38:03 Phoenix.[Death]:
13:38:04 Discordia[{-----]: PM, use Whisper or Message if you dont want others to comment
13:38:07 a_f_c[Kill!]: lmao pm
13:38:07 Onslaught[Home]: whats the name?
13:38:10 Phoenix.[Death]: pibird bought?
13:38:17 pibird[Home]: sorry *activates careing what pm is rambling on about even after i answered the questione
13:38:19 protect me[Ohana]: go blow yourself
13:38:19 Phoenix.[Death]: That's hilarious
13:38:25 pibird[Home]: *auto deactivates
13:38:31 pibird[Home]: sorry, it wasnt sustainable
13:38:37 Discordia[{-----]: we do need more chat and forum mods
Kelby logged in
13:38:46 Onslaught[Home]: aww pm is raging
13:38:47 Phoenix.[Death]: Yes we do
13:38:56 pibird has removed 200 Logs from The Monster
13:39:02 Discordia[{-----]: now Pi, what verification is needed to prove you are who you say you are inregards to needing anew PW
13:39:15 protect me[Ohana]: I was talking to mskwik but obviously only certain people are allowed to so go use a potato
13:39:39 Ed[WB~]: bars are done now onw to martral
13:39:42 Phoenix.[Death]: Message him pm.
13:39:43 Discordia[{-----]: message him then, Pi awnseredyour question why you need msk to repeat it
13:39:47 pibird[Home]: the first place is to just request a new one, to be sent to the same email as you signed up
13:39:55 Phoenix.[Death]: Then you can get our point across without bickering.
13:40:10 Phoenix.[Death]: your*
13:40:11 protect me[Ohana]: oh yes only I have to message him so sorry please keep trolling me as everyone else gets to talk to him
13:40:14 Sweeney Todd[7sins]: pm cannot
13:40:20 protect me[Ohana]: I forgot you are so much more improtant
13:40:31 Phoenix.[Death]:
13:40:31 Discordia[{-----]: ok and if you nolonger have said email whats the next step?
13:40:34 Sweeney Todd[7sins]: pm has a disorder
13:40:39 protect me[Ohana]: maybe you can go whine to him and have him ban me from here as well ?
13:40:42 Phoenix.[Death]: I don't ever get answers so how am I more important?
13:40:59 Phoenix.[Death]: Ever!
13:41:03 pibird[Home]: if you go to 'settings – info' you can edit the email currently in use, if you go to 'settings – accounts' you can ad additional emails / aim
13:41:09 Sweeney Todd[7sins]: you seem to have a bit of the same disorder, Pheonix.
13:41:14 Phoenix.[Death]: I stand by and be patient for things to resolve themselves.
13:41:18 Onslaught[Home]: mskwik doesnt want too talk too you because of your inane ramblings
13:41:24 Onslaught[Home]: about how everyone is out too get you
13:41:26 Discordia[{-----]: pi, if i dont have access to theaccount i cant make those changes in settings
13:41:39 pibird[Home]: depends – some email providers allow you to reactivate the account
13:41:41 Xaro Xhoan Daxos[TK~]: Grumpy has no power on this game
13:41:42 Phoenix.[Death]: I have a disorder?
13:41:45 pibird[Home]: so that would be next step
13:41:45 Discordia[{-----]: so what would i do at that point?
13:41:52 Xaro Xhoan Daxos[TK~]: Why can't you get overself
13:41:54 Phoenix.[Death]: Splendid. That explains things then.
13:41:58 protect me[Ohana]: fuck off
13:42:11 Sweeney Todd[7sins]: let's call it drama-itis.
13:42:12 Phoenix.[Death]: Carry on.
13:42:24 Onslaught[Home]: many of the web based email clients do let you unless someone else has already taken it
13:42:25 *Phoenix. goes to get meds to resolve her disorder. *
13:42:25 pibird[Home]: if you cant do that, then email addy on front page with details sutsh as any other passwords used, any name changes you have had
13:42:28 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: Is the disorder one you can use to apply for disability and social security?
13:42:28 Sweeney Todd[7sins]: mostly it's spread by llamas
13:42:33 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: Can it be used to park in handicap spaces?
13:42:34 Onslaught[Home]: no thanks pm i have a gf
13:42:58 Discordia[{-----]: sounds reasonable, thanks Pi
13:43:09 Xaro Xhoan Daxos[TK~]: Casting Beast of Burden on protect me Will lift a bit of burden off of you.
13:43:12 Onslaught[Home]: 13:41:58 protect me[Ohana]: fuck off
13:43:18 Sweeney Todd[7sins]: you can park in handicapped spaces, it's part of the disorder. You can't get the tags.
13:43:21 Onslaught[Home]: anyone want spells?
13:43:28 You have a new message “House transfer complete” from System
13:43:32 csirek[Co M?]: choppers pls
13:43:33 pibird[Home]: he sayd same to me
dragosani logged in
13:43:39 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]:
13:43:46 csirek[Co M?]: cythe pls.
13:43:47 pibird[Home]: 13:41:50 protect me[Ohana]: fuck off
13:44:01 pibird[Home]: mine was first
13:44:22 Onslaught[Home]: not moving from trand
13:44:44 Phoenix.[Death]: Fucking bitches I swear.
13:44:44 Sweeney Todd[7sins]: trand smells funny
13:44:48 Onslaught[Home]:
13:44:56 Onslaught[Home] -> phoenix.: 13:41:58 protect me[Ohana]: fuck off
13:44:59 csirek[Co M?]: i pass than thx as already on food.
13:45:06 Sweeney Todd[7sins]: I like Naton, smells like sulfer
13:45:13 Onslaught[Home]: can you come here csis
13:45:23 Onslaught[Home]: me too im planting or i would be tempted too move
13:45:33 Onslaught[Home]: and thank you ed
13:45:40 Onslaught[Home]: sorry i got distracted
13:45:45 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: I want you to cast heal on the 5th person in the town list
13:45:50 thesandman[*TA*]: pibird how many years ago did you leave TA?
13:45:59 protect me[Ohana]: well back to my real life as all of you are so full of yourself
13:46:08 pibird[Home]: 3?
13:46:16 Discordia[{-----]: speaking of full of yourself PM
13:46:18 Xaro Xhoan Daxos[TK~]: And you are not?
13:46:30 darren1001[DH]: i aint full of myself protect me i went potty earlier
Beautiflbtrfly 24? logged in
13:46:57 *Sweeney Todd calls the CDC to contain the outbreak *
13:46:59 Xaro Xhoan Daxos[TK~]: Darren your depends don't count
13:47:01 Discordia[{-----]: I did not have you banned, i kept you from being banned for quite some time, if i could ban people Id have Noonespecial banned,, you earned your ban all on your own
13:47:15 Discordia[{-----]: enjoy the game
13:47:21 Imperial Empire['ore]: According to the 2011 Cencus, there are 65,000 Jedi living in Australia.
13:47:26 darren1001[DH]: i dont need depends i am potty trained dammit
13:47:29 Rockn Roll?[NH]: /me.. full of myself..If I was full of antone else I would not be me..
13:47:35 Discordia[{-----]: Jedi
13:47:56 Sweeney Todd[7sins]: pfft, Sith rule
13:48:07 Xaro Xhoan Daxos[TK~]: Grumpy wouldn't ban me I haven't done anything wrong
manicman logged in
13:48:31 Imperial Empire['ore]: There is only 2 Sith.
13:48:39 darren1001[DH]: does brating count as doing something wrong
13:48:44 Discordia[{-----]: Imp
13:48:50 darren1001[DH]: *breathing
Dark Rider 64? logged in
13:49:01 Imperial Empire['ore]: Discordia
13:49:03 Onslaught[Home]: I have yet too get banned from any online games or forums
13:49:22 Onslaught[Home]: and i am a pretty big troll, you have to seriously foul up to get banned from most places
13:49:26 darren1001[DH]: same here ons
13:49:27 Discordia[{-----]: take your meds PM and dont whisper me vulkgarities
13:49:44 lebum[Na Wt Y?]: spells available at cardina..come get'm
13:49:49 Discordia[{-----]: I prefer a more substancial vocabulary
13:50:11 Chiron[Death]: thats pm's style
13:50:47 Discordia[{-----]: ok lets move past her today
13:51:04 darren1001[DH]: disc
13:51:15 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: that would be difficult disc. The road leading around will add 20min onto the route
13:51:26 Onslaught[Home]: she whispered me and pi first lol
13:51:29 darren1001[DH]: lmao LE
Greyscale logged in
13:51:58 Onslaught[Home]: i imagine things like that are what got her banned
13:52:06 Discordia[{-----]: just remember, you can not control the behaviors of others but you can control how you react to it
13:52:14 darren1001[DH]: ooo now he swearing
13:52:43 a_f_c[Kill!]: lol
13:52:50 Sweeney Todd[7sins]: you shouldn't pick on pm, she has a disorder
13:53:01 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: I keep thinking of that angry german kid that went viral on youtube blowing up abotu a game and smashing his keyboard...
Bigaxe logged in
13:53:13 Discordia[{-----]: im not picking iinfact I wish we'd move past this as a community and enjoy the game
13:53:14 a_f_c[Kill!]: roughly what level do you need for a decent rate to cook macks?
13:53:23 Xaro Xhoan Daxos[TK~]: 10
13:53:32 Skippy[Bubble]: Can't control the behavior of others? That's completely counter to my world view.
foozard logged in
13:53:53 Discordia[{-----]: well thats cause your a puppet master Skippy
13:53:57 Xaro Xhoan Daxos[TK~]: If everyone put Everyone they had a problem with on ignore, then the community would be more stable and less problems
13:54:08 Discordia[{-----]: :bows: to Skippy
13:54:10 Onslaught[Home]: for one it cant decide if its a he or a she
13:54:10 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: «Skippy[Bubble]: Can't control the behavior of others?» I saw this as “Challenge Accepted”
13:54:21 Skippy[Bubble]: The string type or the alien type?
13:54:35 Discordia[{-----]: alien is more intriguing
13:54:46 Cuggle_Monkey[Fooo D?!]: LE controls some of my behaviour
13:54:58 Discordia[{-----]: after noon Cuggle
13:55:08 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: All parents control childrens behaviour to some extent
13:55:12 Cuggle_Monkey[Fooo D?!]: evening Disc
13:55:13 Discordia[{-----]: havent seen you in some time
13:55:36 Cuggle_Monkey[Fooo D?!]: i've been locked in a tall tall tower
13:56:30 Discordia[{-----]:
13:56:49 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: I claim full deniability
13:57:09 Cuggle_Monkey[Fooo D?!]: i excaped using my hair and some sea turtles
13:57:21 Discordia[{-----]: i like sea turtles
13:57:32 Ganos Lal?[Bubble]: Skippy is trying to control my mind
13:57:41 Discordia[{-----]: Ganos
13:57:46 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: Is he using shoes to do it?
13:57:52 Discordia[{-----]: me has to afk
13:57:54 Ganos Lal?[Bubble]: Disco
13:57:58 Onslaught[Home]: actually aparently you can control the behavior of others
13:58:12 Onslaught[Home]: i must be a jedi
13:58:24 Ganos Lal?[Bubble]: He put some really pretty shoes in front of me and said I could have them if I go into global chat
13:58:28 *Imperial Empire waves hand. “These aren't the droids you are looking for” *
13:58:35 Onslaught[Home]: i made pm disapear from chat and start swearing at people in whispers
13:59:01 Lord Essence?[Fooo D?!]: Why didnt you make them get themselves muted?