Movoda Manual - Pleknor

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Plek's Page

sfp lvl 39 30 secs
shark lvl 39 55 secs

9900 9/10/08
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Member Since: 2007-06-22 10:03:12
Active playing time: 1233 Days, 6 Hours, 14 Minutes
Member Number: 0000002124
Character Experience: 75,337,271
Character Level: 93
Highest Skill: Combat Level 93
Nationality: Faldorian
Guild: Whatever
Guild Position: Honored Leader
Pleknor's Skills
  • Combat Level 93 (77,698,069 Exp)
  • Woodcutting Level 71 (26,171,875 Exp)
  • Speed Level 58 (11,750,550 Exp)
  • Mining Level 57 (11,125,465 Exp)
  • Harvesting Level 57 (10,997,821 Exp)
  • Smithing Level 52 (8,067,799 Exp)
  • Cooking Level 51 (7,306,013 Exp)
  • Construction Level 50 (6,779,100 Exp)
  • Crafting Level 50 (6,492,107 Exp)
  • Fishing Level 50 (6,489,721 Exp)
  • Magic Level 42 (3,543,602 Exp)
  • Trading Level 31 (1,082,836 Exp)

Ranked #1 in Active Time
Ranked #5 in Promotion
Ranked #23 in Woodcutting
Ranked #67 in Magic
Ranked #29 in Trading
Ranked #34 in Speed
Ranked #55 in Crafting
Ranked #141 in Character XP
Ranked #114 in Harvesting
Ranked #118 in Mining
Ranked #149 in Construction
Ranked #106 in Smithing
Ranked #119 in Fishing
Ranked #197 in Combat
Ranked #229 in Cooking

Monsters killed by Pleknor
  • 8 Amber Dragon
  • 11,232 Armadillo
  • 12 Baby Dragon
  • 47 Baby Flame Giant
  • 53 Baby Frost Giant
  • 379 Bandit
  • 67 Barktomi Elephant Rider
  • 326 Barktomi Fighter
  • 389 Barktomi Raider
  • 3 Bay Shark
  • 6,213 Bear
  • 73,761 Bronze Golem
  • 12,147 Brown Toad
  • 635 Bunny
  • 584 Cave Dragon
  • 13,686 Cave Goblin
  • 3,446 Cavelurk
  • 312 Charging Rhino
  • 1,580 Chicken
  • 5,038 Cougar
  • 5,601 Deer
  • 1 Dennech Cehuvah
  • 383 Drop Bear
  • 139 Dwarven Fighter
  • 203 Dwarven Raider
  • 14 Elder Ash
  • 78,804 Elephant
  • 469 Elk
  • 550 Elven Mage
  • 93 Faerie Knight
  • 72 Faerie Lord
  • 26 Fairy
  • 186 Firbolg Giant
  • 34 Flame Giant
  • 2,759 Fox
  • 6,955 Frog
  • 72 Ghost
  • 3,670 Giant Black Bat
  • 6,284 Giant Bomb Beetle
  • 6,287 Giant Bug Beetle
  • 11,261 Giant Cobra
  • 6,599 Giant Ravager Beetle
  • 11 Giant Roc
  • 2,287 Giant Salamander
  • 11,513 Giant Scorpion
  • 3,366 Giant Tarantula
  • 7 Giant Zombie
  • 3,538 Gila Monster
  • 683 Goblin Zombie
  • 55 Gold Golem
  • 4 Great White Shark
  • 2,635 Griffin
  • 941 Grizzly Bear
  • 816 Grue
  • 6,564 Hawk
  • 1,025 Headless Horseman
  • 13,153 Hobgoblin
  • 74,329 Iron Golem
  • 130 Killer Dolphin
  • 452 Killer Tomato
  • 55,095 Killer Vine
  • 1 King Bear
  • 1 Kraken
  • 365 Lightning Elemental
  • 50,103 Lion
  • 54,274 Living Oak
  • 21,943 Lizard Warrior
  • 22,475 Lizardman
  • 955 Lizardman Zombie
  • 507 Maanvaki Scout
  • 268 Maanvaki Shaman
  • 1,020 Maanvaki Warrior
  • 79 Mad Cow
  • 214,353 Marakite Mage
  • 122,486 Marakite Master
  • 286 Marakite Shaman
  • 219,418 Marakite Trainee
  • 135 Marossian Slave Warrior
  • 468 Minotaur
  • 24,047 Mountain Goat
  • 23,978 Mountain Lion
  • 126 Nagaromi Infantry
  • 1,453 Nagaromi Miner
  • 6,456 Nagaromi Scout
  • 102 Nagaromi Spearman
  • 1,488 Nagaromi Woodcutter
  • 339 Ona Spearman
  • 1,093 Ona Warlord
  • 678 Ona Warrior
  • 1 Outsider Sloop
  • 1,005 Parrot
  • 2,799 Pirate
  • 58 Pirate Admiral
  • 521 Pirate Captain
  • 914 Pirate Grenadier
  • 179 Pirate Marauder
  • 854 Pirate Raider
  • 48 Pirate Squadron
  • 307 Pumpking Warrior
  • 1 Quarter Master
  • 526 Raccoon
  • 1 Raging Tree
  • 7 Rhaedrhothe
  • 13,768 Rhizard
  • 3,879 Rhizard Plunderer
  • 7,777 Rhizard Prowler
  • 98 Royal Marine
  • 182 Saphirik Warrior
  • 14 Silver Dragon
  • 294 Sjirkomi Cook
  • 261 Sjirkomi Shaman
  • 263 Sjirkomi Soldier
  • 355 Spectre
  • 284 Squirrel
  • 73,853 Steel Golem
  • 1 Thief
  • 19,193 Turtle
  • 329 Vampire
  • 418 Werewolf
  • 3,642 White Bat
  • 10,833 Wild Elven Gatherer
  • 11,758 Wild Elven Hunter
  • 779 Willow
  • 1,926 Wolf
  • 118 Yeti

People Not to Trust
Snuggleybear[]0_o[]: and i didnt know Kicking helps ppl so shut ur mouth
belgarion 6771 Theft from Solar
cloosk8t3r [Do W] Reason: associated in theft from Jack
Pergie [Rules] Reason: Theft from Jack
Voris 12? Reason: Theft from Dark
22:41:34 moosa[Sane?]: 22:39:21 joe50 has removed 29,542V from Shop Til You Drop
...22:39:49 joe50 has left the guild. <<
Soldier Member Number: 0000006760
wuzupdogs Member Number: 0000005624
Angelof Death Member Number: 0000014260

Where do we sign if we love?? ~ Kovo

Fear the bunny ^^ ~ Aikon

~ Tagged by Grey ~

The Vampire dropped a Nagadya

came by to visit with Plek

CyberRhino led a stamped through your page!

leaving you HEAPS of <3 to the Movvy Encyclopedia! xoxo! ~ Babsy

Little Lady stopping by to leave some love for the movoda genius ^_^ ♥

Entropy jumped out of a perfectly good airplane to sign your page.

Rest in Peace Pleknor, you deserve your rest.
You will be greatly missed by all.
~ Imperial Empire

Plek, I wish I'd have took the time to sign when you were here.
You will be greatly missed

May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back.May the sun shine warm upon your face.May the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, May the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand. Irish<3

May you always be in peace!! I will miss you dearly.

I myself, like many others here.. Wish we would've signed your page while you were still around. You were a great help to ALL of us here. And you will be GREATLY missed. World chat just isn't the same without you in it. It seems so empty and lonely. Rest in Peace man. And watch over all of us here in Movo. Gah, I miss ya man. Didn't know you personally, but you've been such a great help. I'm glad to know you're in a much better place now. ~Optimus_Prime~~~

Goodbye Pleknor... AKA Wayne. You have now passed into the whispers of legend. You were a friend to us a all and a voice of a reason when we needed it. I hope you find peace.