Movoda Manual - PrivacyPolicy

Getting Started
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In the interests of being somewhat official I'm going to try and write this out. Not really a legal document or all inclusive or anything but it's better than nothing and should give some idea what you can expect.

For the main game, your email which is collected when registering is the only piece of personal information kept. You will have email sent to that address only if 1) You request it through the password reset or signup pages, 2) You send a message or email first and this is a response, or 3) If I am unable to contact you through in-game messages for whatever reason (usually account hacked/frozen). There is no requirement to keep this up-to-date and it can be changed through the setting panel at any time but it is the only identifying piece of information that I have and if for any reason you are having problems logging on and require assistance I will require you to show you have control over the email on file for the account before making any changes.

If you use the store or Paypal to make a donation/purchase there may also be other personal information on file as necessary to fill the order or verify your payment.

Your password is stored encryped in the database and cannot be recovered by anyone including me.

Other tracking information is also kept to aid in detecting cheating, this information is tied to your account and limited to what is picked up by the server and will not be tied to any real-life identity without written permission. Messages and in-game communication are also kept in the database temporarily and semi-permanently in backups.

If you wish to discontinue use of your account you can remove the email on record yourself but I cannot entertain requests to clear any other information. Donation/store records must be kept for tax purposes and I would rather not change any backups that may be needed at some point.

With the exception of legitimate law enforcement agencies who can demonstrate a need for specific information this information will not be shared/sold with anyone except in abstract (for example I can share that I have XX users from such and such country but not specifics on any individual). Internally the information collected is available to whoever needs it to do their job, but isn't stored anywhere outside of protected server areas.

Advertisers may copllect their own tracking information, but they do not have access to any data collected here and cannot link views to any specific account.

And finally the wording here is subject to change/clarification as needed but the basic idea should remain the same.