Movoda Manual - Pronounciation
©2007 Ninja Squirrel Designs
Please post here how you think names of towns and such are pronounced.
Ravel- I think of it as Ravel, with the 'a' being like the 'a' in cat.
I have heard however it being pronounced like Ruhvel.
Tro Pee
Heh va lus
Gah ran doe
mar traul
Car dee nah
Rah vul
Na ton
On icks
Gal a wee
Ray dum
bear in
bear on
Ep tile
Bowl bis
Poe nat
Dan ee she a
A wah roo
Dro eh sar
Ech tin
fer boy? I don't say that much
gee roc
hick or ee
HSM Hal ee lou tee ka
ear oth o
jer o ka
ess dar
ma rose sa
mose kim
fair ose
nal urn
oh dude
sh how
see pas
ther oos ia
une o pose
us lee a
yis ill door
za yack
Add your pronunciations here :D