Movoda Manual - QuaniumCoinDonations
©2007 Ninja Squirrel Designs

As the first person to use this way of Donating, I figured I would make a wiki.. :)
Well, I donated $30, so I was ready to get my coins and split them up to people, but figured I would make a wiki. :)
Firstly, here's a message I got from msk.. :)
Message from mskwik on 2008–08–14 14:25:25
Re: huh?
Sure, here's the locker info:
ID: &&&&&&
Combo: $$$$$$
And here's the basic instructions I've been sending out. As long as this works out there should be better instructions at some point but for now here is what you need to know, basically your donation has been converted into Quainium coins and stored in a locker at Ponat. You can go there and retrieve them and then use them in the Donation Center also in Ponat to add them onto your donation level. You can also share/trade them with other people, how the donation is split up is up to you. The exchange rate is 10 coins to the dollar to allow for stuff in the future at sub-dollar amounts but the donation center will only accept them in blocks of 10. You should be able to treat them like any other item, only difference is they are immune from the normal drop on death rules and cannot be captured in a raid. Any other questions let me know.
So, off to Ponat I went, to pick up my block of 300 Coins.. :)
Opened my locker, and wayhay! :D
300 Quainium Coin (0 stones) :)
So, 250 of them are for other people.. :)
But 50 for me :D
So, I checked it out >:)
I wrote 5 in the box, and then it said..
Thanks for your donation. It has been added onto your account for a total of $15. You can find the extra options this unlocks on the settings page.
I only added 5, but already had 10 in there.. :P
So, thats pretty much how it works. :D
The other people who have used this, that I know of (who I donated for) Are Trubble, Ozzzy, Frosty, and receze. :)