Movoda Manual - RabidsCombatGuide

Getting Started
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Ths s hw I lrnd t cmbt!!

Rule 1: Dont use parsley when fighting you end up clicking almost nonstop all the time to get HP. Tomatos are much better cos they heal 3HP insted of just 1HP like parsley

As soon as I started I went to Moskim. I got one hit killed by some psycho deer

The next couple of tries I began to realise I wasnt hitting anything so I got a weapon and I figured I should hit them as hard as I could so I got a bronze battle hammer cos it gives you +6 attack and I thought a shield would be good to stop me getting hit so I got a bronze tower shield cos it has +5 defence. I culd beat the foxs if I got a lucky hit on the first strike but the deer was real hard and kept killin me all the time so I thought I should get some armor as well and got the bronze platemail for anuther +5 defence but I still wasnt hitting them very often and it was hard work gettin to lvl 2 combat specially when I had to keep runnin back from echtin all the time cos it takes ages to get anywhere and I hope that timer gets better cos ten minutes to get back to Moskim is ages

Rule 2: Join a gud guild. The first guild I joined kicked me when they asked me wot I was takin tomatos for and I told them it was cos the tomatos was better for healing than the parsley I was using before that. I must have got through 500 parsley just to get to lvl 3 combat and then I started using tomatos and only used 100 to get to lvl 4 combat wich is much better but they kicked me out of the guild anyway

Someone sed I should use penos so I got some from my new guild but I dont think there any gud cos I eat one and I dont hit the animals any harder than I do without the penos so I dont know I stopped using them because the leader started gettin angry when I died and kept havin to take another 100 penos each time

Rule 3: Dont try to fight at Galawi at lvl 4 combat you will die lots and I mean lots like as in more than at Moskim when you get passed lvl 1 combat

It takes a long time to get to lvl 5 combat and it is very expensive so it might be better to have lots of vessi before you start fighting cos you wont get much stuff from fighting cos the deer will kill you and then when you get back to Moskim you dont have it any more

I was thinkin I might build a house to try and put stuff in but you never know when you will die and lose all your stuff again unless you watch the screen all the time but I like playin the sims and dont get to see the screen all the time cos the sims is on it and I have to switch back to see the screen and see that I am dead again

Rule 4: Read the manual. Theres loads of gud stuff in there and they tell you all the animals you can fight and where you can fight them and other stuff as well like the harvest page that tells you all the different combat foods you can use anything that starts with a p is gud cos it heals 3HP each time you eat it but some of the others only heal 2HP and parsley isnt very gud cos it heals the least

I am lvl 5 combat now and just trying to get some more combat food but the seafood shop is really expensive and I need to get some vessi cos the new guild kicked me cos I lost some penos like 300 of them so I made my own guild and its slow but I have 16 cooked flounder already and they must heal loads cos they are the most expensive you can get there in the seafood shop

or you just join a guild listen to what they can learn you will realise hp is barely needed.