Joe's Role Playing Guide
Point One
Point Two
Point Three
Point Four
Important Points
One : What is Role Playing?
Participants adopt and act out the role of character, or parts, that may have personalities, motivations, and backgrounds different from their own. As defined by Wikipedia. In other words: You create a character, or use an existing character. You act as that character and only as that character.
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Two : Four Common Beginning Mistakes When Roleplaying!
1 : One liners: This is when a player types only one line which does not move the story or plot. Too much of this can cause annoyance in other RPers.
2 : Power-Playing: This is when a player controls another player's character into doing something without their permission (i.e. You controling another person's character that isn't your own without their permission).
3 : Misconception: When a beginning player thinks that Roleplaying is a story especially when it comes to controlling other characters. Also, when they belive that the story revolves around their character.
4 : Godmodding: Making your character so powerful that there are no weaknesses (i.e. immortality, unable to bleed, super-fast, super-strong, extra pretty or beautiful like a nymph, etc.). In other words, making your character god-like.
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Three : Creating a Character!
The Basics:
Your Character will evolve from the
I will break down each Element.
This can be anything, up to and including your real name. No one has to know.
Most Rpers base this number by how many years they have been playing, and multiply the number by 20. You do not want to make this number to high, as it would make you seem “To Old”.
I have been Rping for 7 years, so I multiply this number by 20. I end up with 140 for my age. Which is perfect, as I usually choose an Elf for my character.
Easily enough. Choose whether you are a male or female. Or a Unisex in some instances.
When Choosing your race, you must choose one that will best depict your Character. When creating a Character, you should truly base everything upon your Race. There are multiple Races for any given Genre of an RP.
Other Things:
-Hair Color
-Eye Color
-Body Build
Other things that will effect your character. The
Other Things will effect how other people will view your character, compared to their own.
I will go over some of the more
Intricate aspects.
Your personality should be within guidelines. You should create the Character based upon how you percieve him/her. Give any Character traits that would relate other to your Character.
Your Characters History, should consist of detailed outline of their beginnings. Such as Childhood, and schooling. You may also choose to incorporate a Timeline as a means of History. Though this is the easier aspect, it still works just the same.
This can be anything else you want people to see about your character. Such as powers, abilities, jobs, etc.
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Four : Introducing Your Character to the RP!
Start off with describing the character then have them walk in, talk, and if there's another character there that's related to the character (like a sibling or long-time friend), they can introduce your character to the rest of the RPers. Make sure that when describing the character, you know the setting that they're walking in.
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Point 4A : Describing the character
When describing your character, it is vital, for the sanity of your audience, that you show, not tell. Meaning that you don't want to tell people that your Character is doing something, or even what they are wearing, you want to show them using descriptive words. Show them by using words such as “blue”, or “softly strolling with a whistle in his step”.
Point 4B : Making your character move
When moving your character, you don't want to just move them, you want to have them move. Use descriptive words to allow others to actually see them move.
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Important Points
God Modding
This is when you play a Character that other than the Leaders of the RP act as if they have more power than anyone else. No one, not even the Leaders of the RP have all the power. Rping is basically story telling, and if everyone had the power to automatically kills someone else, there is no story.
Keep in mind, that being Literate is a key part in any RP. Whether it be a Fantasy, or even a High School type. Spelling, Grammar, use of descriptive words are key.
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