Movoda Manual - ScofferDay

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What is Scoffer Day?

Scoffer Day is a Harvesting Extravaganza, which was dreamed up one evening by
Scoffer himself as a way to give back to the Movoda Community and bring people
together for a day of joyous manual labor. If you don't feel the sarcasm of the
above sentence dripping off of your monitor, then read no further, this event is not for you.

We at I10Mafia will be hosting the event at our Guild Compound located in Marossa,
on September 26th, 2011. This does mean that if you wish to participate you will
have needed to complete the 'Trading with Marossa' Quest which requires a trading
level of 12. So if you have not done so, this is your advance notice to get it done! ;)

Features & Events

Event Schedule TBC

19 Greenhouses of Fun!

Wheat available for picking

Sugarcane available for picking

Flour Mill & Sugar Mill available for grinding the above after you've picked it.

The Forest of Purposelessness, details TBA

Also throughout the day, there will be impromptu events (i.e. when we feel like it)
with chances to win prizes including Fruit Salads, Kabobs, or other harvesting-
related goodies.

Because we have scheduled this for the day before the mining holiday, there will
also be a 'I'd Rather Be Mining' prize of 500 Seafood Platters to win, details to be
announced on the day.

Free pair of knee pads to everyone who joins and helps out.

Requirements & Cost

Free! This holiday is brought to you FREE!

You will need a sense of humor & the above mentioned trading level requirements.

Any wheat and sugarcane that you pick / grind you can take with you when you 
leave or give to another participant to carry on the Good Work. Any sugar left
laying around the compound WILL be tossed over the compound wall at our

Once all of the greenhouses have been emptied if we still haven't had enough then
you can fill them back up again.

Trophies & Prizes

Many prizes to be discovered on the day of the event!

In addition, the top Experience Earners for the day of the event will be given
trophies so that they may show off their grand achievement.

All participants will receive the Official Commemorative Scoffer Day Gardening
Trowel to celebrate their attendance to this first-ever event!