As many of you have discovered, the resource movements are no longer being stored in the forums. Mskwik has created a new method for viewing the resource movements for guilds.
If you have Guild Forum Mod permissions then you will have the Storage Logs link in your guild stuff.
Clicking the Storage Logs link will bring you to this screen
Where you can set up specific logs based on your desired preferences.
To Create a New Report:
1. Enter a name for the new report in the Title Box (such as: Shop sales in the last 30 days)
2. If you have more then 1 store, then you can select one of them specifically with the Limit to Building selection and using the drop down menu, pick the building you want to limit it to.
If you want to see all store sales from all stores then leave Limit to Building set to Show All and then set Limit to Type to Store.
3. Pick the Number of Days you want the storage logs to go back to (Max of 30 days).
4. Click Generate Report button. There will now be a new link at the top of the Storage Logs window with the name of the new report you just created.
I will do more in a bit, hope this helps.