Ranked #788 in Character Level
Ranked #1,415 in Cards
Ranked #2,914 in Smithing
Ranked #634 in Mining
Ranked #1,795 in Magic
Ranked #1,421 in Speed
Ranked #2,613 in Harvesting
Ranked #1,780 in Trading
Ranked #1,372 in Crafting
Ranked #2,347 in Woodcutting
Ranked #5,455 in Construction
Ranked #3,952 in Cooking
Ranked #2,644 in Combat
Ranked #2,955 in Fishing
Tekal Member Since: 2008-02-04 01:01:27 Active playing time: 48 Days, 3 Hours, 21 Minutes Member Number: 0000004631 Character Experience: 848,121 Character Level: 29 Highest Skill: Mining Level 31 Nationality: Faldorian
Tekal's Skills- Mining Level 31 (1,049,503 Exp)
- Speed Level 27 (615,177 Exp)
- Woodcutting Level 16 (105,370 Exp)
- Magic Level 14 (67,095 Exp)
- Crafting Level 10 (25,712 Exp)
- Fishing Level 9 (20,173 Exp)
- Harvesting Level 8 (13,760 Exp)
- Trading Level 7 (9,250 Exp)
- Combat Level 6 (7,920 Exp)
- Smithing Level 5 (5,159 Exp)
- Cooking Level 3 (1,015 Exp)
- Cards Level 2 (586 Exp)
- Construction Level 2 (392 Exp)
Tekal Ranked #2,030 in Character Experience |
A valuable member of the JACK guild that shows great promise. May he enjoy the game
Tekal is a bright young man that comes to us by way of the Sooner State, Oklahoma, where he attends
Southeastern Oklahoma State. He works at one of my favorite stores Wal-Mart. He likes to watch basketball
& football
with the Bronco's and the Dallas Mav's & Duke. Although he hasn't gone camping
in quite some time, he does love the outdoors. His cooking skills
are on hold while he is in college because his eats are mostly cereal (although I'll be willing to bet that pizza
makes many a cameo appearance). While away at college his best friend is missing him terribly...her name is Bonnie a beautiful mixed breed dog
He collects Magic
& Gathering Cards. He enjoys reading
the sci-fi
and fantasy
books. He plays several other games besides Movoda, but I'm sure this will soon become his favorite. He is also into anime & has all the dragonball z series. His music preference is generally rock
but the genre of Metallica
Avenged Sevenfold, and Rob Zombie.
Tekal Ranked #1,421 at Speed |
Tekal Ranked #634 at Mining |
Tekal Ranked #2,644 at Combat |
Tekal Ranked #1,795 at Magic |
Tekal Ranked #1,780 at Trading |
Tekal Ranked #2,347 at Woodcutting |
Tekal Ranked #2,914 at Smithing |
Tekal Ranked #5,455 at Construction |
Tekal Ranked #3,952 at Cooking |
Tekal Ranked #2,955 at Fishing |
Tekal Ranked #1,372 at Crafting |
You have been tagged by Da_nana the Leader of the Royal Family of the JACK Guild
1849 people have
at this page.
Glad you stopped by....please feel free to scribble something nice on my page.
nightwisper was here with his spiders
Red_Dragon has visited your fine page. :)
No fancy piccy, but a warm welcome to you :) Hope you like being with JACK-Kriztal
SELECT TOP 1 @name = usrname
FROM users
ORDER BY friendliness DESC;
PRINT CAST(@name AS VARCHAR(8)) + ' says hi. -' +
NebuneX says hi. – 2008–05–01
1 row(s) affected
Invasion scheduled against Tekal's Page on 2008–08–15 17:38:09