Movoda Manual - The15rulesforbetterlrping

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This is from a t-shirt I own.. some do not translate here well, many do.. not necessarily my views..spelling mistakes are purely mine..

1: Don't play a mighty warrior; play a warrior and be mighty.
Don't label your character. As soon as you say you are the best swordsman in the land someone will come along and kick your ass. Just get into the mindset of the person and roleplay it out.

2: Nobody cares about your character background.
Really. Don't tell me about your character and how great he is. It gets boring after the first 50 people have told you the same thing. The character is important to you, let that be enough.

3: You are not the Highlander.
There's an urban myth that after the first Lo TR? movie came out no less than 9 characters called Legolas turned up to the Gathering. You are not the only one.

4: Nobody likes an elf.
Are you playing an elf because you are genuinely interested in portraying an alien mindset, or so you can be a human with pointy ears? Are you going to be another namby-pamby, wishy-washy, lowest-common-denominator, bleeding heart liberal over-used hackneyed fantasy concept? Your race doesn't make your character different from the real-life you, the way you act does.

5: You are not your vet picks. Your are not your skill list. You are not your fucking lammies. You are not unique. You are the all singing, all dancing shit of the system.
Your skills / special abilities / mingy items of ULTIMATE DOOM! do not define your character. Who he is, what he does and what he wants are the things you should concentrate on. Most importantly do not try and be unique; fitting in with the concept is better than trying to break it.

6: Your character does not go clubbing.
There is nothing sadder than seeing people in clubs wearing their LRP kit. People walking around in-character like they've just stepped out of Slimelight is equally as bad. Kit or goth, don't confuse the two.

7: Don't take the piss.
You heard the man.

8: I do not want to find your character in a book.
LRP is littered with plagiarism. It's not big and it's not clever. Be inspired by books, fine, but at least change the sodding details.

9: Drum-rolling is for marching bands.
Weapons, my friend, are pretty damn heavy. Act like it. I wanna see huge, heroic, Conan-like sword swings!

10: Being hit hurts, bitch.
When someone hits you it hurts. A lot. Even if it doesn't kill your character you should be crying like a big girl

11: I don't give a fuck what would really happen.
The “what would happen in real-life” argument is the first resort of the loser. Repeat after me: “it's fantasy, it's just a game, this is not real life.”

12: Yeah, but you didn't. Get over it.
I don't want to know that you would have kicked off if your group leader hadn't stopped you, that you would have beaten me if I'd fought fair, or that you would have survived that battle if you weren't hung over You didn't.

13: What's an “Out-of-character”? Are you ill?
If you are in an in-character area, and it's during time in, then be in character. If you want to be out of character for whatever reason then go somewhere else. You are only spoiling the enjoyment of those around you.

14: They only killed your character. Get over it.
Invest in your character to get the most out of him. When he dies, though, just let it go. If anyone starts moping and bitching because their fictional persona has ceased to exist then they'll get a visit from the Sad Bastard Police Muppet Division.

15: Your character is not you in fancy dress.
If you need this rule explaining then you also need your head checked. Leave the event and go see a doctor.