We welcome all with open arms! We are always looking for members and offer the following, with some basic ground rules.
1. Respect all guild members is absolute. ANY disrespectful comment or foul language in guild will result in a permanent ban from the guild.
2. Be kind and courteous to all players, no matter what they say to or about you. If there are serious issues, message the guild leader and she will do what she can to resolve any issues, in guild and outside of guild.
3. Anything put in guild, belongs to the guild, PERIOD. The only exception to this is if prior arrangements have been made. This does not mean you loose whatever, just that any guild member may use it if requested with a valid reason.
4. Rules may be added later, but we try to keep it as open and free as possible, please respect that this is NOT a war guild. It is here for new players, and those that would not like to participate in guild wars. We hope that we do not have to add any rules, but will if the situation arises.
What we offer
We offer friendship to our members, and help geared mainly toward new players and new guilds. We also try to provide for everything our members need, but please remember, in trying to give the best, we can not always nor do not always have the funds or means to do so at that moment. We will do our best though. We offer respect and understanding that every player plays differently, and as long as they are respectful to guild members and to other players That respect and courtesy will always be there.