Movoda Manual - Yasuhiro

Getting Started
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I really doubt you'll see this, but if you do, great. First off, I want to apologize. I said and did things that were not me. I did not mean to add drama and it was never my intention to make you feel hurt. I wanted my side told because I had heard you spread absolute lies about me. I was going through a period where I actually could not tell up from down. I was diagnosed with PTSD and severe depression a few months ago. I also learned I was codependent on you. I actually tried to kill myself because I thought that that was what you wanted and the only way to make you happy. I lived each day in the beginning trying to just get you to talk with me so we could at least be friends. However, any time I reached out, even to apologize, you attacked me and sent me into a downward spiral where I tried killing myself in every way possible for months because I felt my life was worthless.

It took me about 4 months to get out of that rut and I have been getting help for the PTSD and depression since October last year. While I'm not suicidal anymore, I am still not 100% again. My feelings of missing you are caught up as well with absolute fear of you hurting me further. I have flashbacks of the things you said and did to me, of all the put downs and violence, and relive those moments daily. I have become afraid to trust other people and feel that no matter what you are always going to try and harm me. I live in constant fear of you terrorizing me and break down more often than not.

However, I still can't bring myself to truly hate you. Who you became after leaving was not yourself. You began to mimic others' behaviors and I constantly worried about you. You were hurting yourself and all I wanted was for you to stop. Talking with me could have solved a lot of the problems both of us had. I offered you the chance to just sit down and talk with a therapist with me. I was willing to work things thru even to just be friends. That offer still stands and I am open to talking. You said you feel guilty and you know that talking with me could help with that. No arguing, no namecalling, no anything but a civil talk.

I won't force you to try anything and I am keeping my distance. Just please don't cause anymore destruction as you already have. I have already had 8 months trying to heal mysepf just to get back to being stable and both my family and I cannot take anymore pain.

Hopefully you see this and, when you are willing to talk as adults, will contact me. Whatever path you choose, I just hope you find the happiness you were looking for.

Best wishes,
Kenneth 2830?


Member Since: 2016-01-27 23:24:13
Active playing time: 48 Days, 6 Hours, 55 Minutes
Member Number: 0000022009
Character Experience: 675,580
Character Level: 27
Highest Skill: Mining Level 26
Nationality: Odtoni

Wake from death and return to life

Member since: 27th January 2016

Yasuhiro's Skills
  • Mining Level 26 (542,470 Exp)
  • Woodcutting Level 18 (159,361 Exp)
  • Smithing Level 18 (156,230 Exp)
  • Construction Level 18 (143,423 Exp)
  • Speed Level 17 (138,319 Exp)
  • Magic Level 13 (54,336 Exp)
  • Crafting Level 12 (43,698 Exp)
  • Harvesting Level 12 (40,260 Exp)
  • Fishing Level 11 (36,176 Exp)
  • Combat Level 8 (12,132 Exp)
  • Cooking Level 6 (5,467 Exp)
  • Trading Level 4 (2,645 Exp)
  • Cards Level 3 (1,036 Exp)

Monsters killed by Yasuhiro
  • 375 Bear
  • 412 Cougar
  • 43 Deer
  • 29 Fox
  • 63 Grizzly Bear

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