Movoda Manual - YouGotReturned

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This page is a personal custom page of wren and any necessary deletions to it will be done by her. You have permission to add to this page, but not delete. Additions must stay in the topic of the page. Anyone who does not follow these rules will be reported to the Moderators and mskwik.

esnow, you got RETURNED
esnow has been killed by Da_Kaos_Child (2008–03–24)
esnow has been killed by 3x0du5 (2008–03–31)
esnow has been killed by Erigon (2008–04–03)
esnow has been killed by Charlesc 83 (2008–04–03)
esnow has been killed by Vasillisa_Ivanova (2008–04–05)
esnow has been killed by Drax (2008–04–12 07:21:04)
esnow has been killed by Frosty (2008–04–15 12:30:24)
esnow has been killed by magicast (2008–04–16 12:32:04)
esnow has been killed by Stoney_Smurf (2008–04–23 04:30:25)

Stainmaster, you got RETURNED
Stainmaster has been killed by Cradle (2008–03–26 )
Stainmaster has been killed by Lady Traveller (2008–04–12 07:21:04)
Stainmaster has been killed by Cradle (2008–04–16 18:00:05)
Stainmaster has been killed by thoranius (2008–04–16 19:30:12)
Stainmaster has been killed by Roy Hobbs (2008–04–16 18:30:02)
Stainmaster has been killed by Drax (2008–04–17 09:15:20)
Stainmaster has been killed by Blackheart (2008–04–23 04:30:25)

esnow, you got SCARED
esnow has run away (Fruits(0000000971) raid against DH on 2008–04–07 15:41:43)

Stainmaster, you got SCARED
Stainmaster has run away (Mohammed(0000000874) raid against DH on 2008–03–28 07:30:01)
Stainmaster has run away (R-Souls(0000000874) raid against DH on 2008–03–20 05:20:01)
Stainmaster has run away (Fruits(0000000971) raid against DH on 2008–04–07 15:41:43)
Stainmaster has run away (Fruits(0000000971) raid against Roots on 2008–04–15 12:30:24)
Stainmaster has run away (Fruits Raid against X on 2008–04–16 18:30:02)

Marishka [WW~]: Stain, why you keep running away!!

!!I guess he didnt want to be dead naked :lol:

Extract of message from Stainmaster (via Esnow 2008–03–21 13:46:40):
“...andhopefully thistime whenthe goinggetstoughtheyrun away...”
Irony, perhaps?

esnow & Stainmaster actually had something to take???

firesoul(0000000241) raid against Fruits (2008–04–12 14:45:01)

Defense Bonus 1
Starting Fight
Attackers win

Attackers take 149 Bait

Random Quotes
Kovo 89 [ We ]: «esnow is the #1 master baiter in movoda»
...out of necessity, perhaps?