Movoda Manual - agla-minerscontest

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Co M Miningcontest

A miner loves to mine with seafood platters.
To win this contest you will have to learn all the effort that is taken before you can receive your special foods in the monthly distri.

To show your appreciation to the fishers you will fish 100 mackerels, 100 bass & 100 flounders.
(If you aren’t able to fish flounders yet fish 60 extra macks and 60 extra bass)
Add the fresh fish to the kitchen cupboard.

The cooks are doing their best so hard to make sure they won’t waste any platters by burning them.
To show your appreciation you will add at least 1 magic fish to the special Request Storehouse.

The cooks need wood to cook your seafood platters.
Therefore you will chop 250 logs to show your appreciation to the woodcutters.
Add your logs to the resource silo.
Logs have to be chopped by yourself, you may not use logs from drops from cythe.

However to make a seafood platter there is more needed than just cooked fish.
Show your appreciation to the harvestingteam and assist them by picking veggies.
Gain 5k harvesting xp and make sure to put your picked crops in the Special Request storehouse.

A high skilled miner will have to venture into many deep and dark mines.
You should be very happy to have some light with you to help you find your way.
To show your appreciation to the crafter that made your headlamp you will craft 100 glass.
If your craftinglevel is still below lvl 10 you will have to make 20 fishingrods to gain respect for the hard work of the crafters.
Glass can be added to the Resource Silo, crafted fishingrods can be added to the Basic Armory.
For ancano and Tora hardwood and sandstone have been approved to make glass. The others can take out logs from the resource silo for rodcrafting after they have completed the woodcutting task.

If you want to take out logs you have to complete the woodcuttingtask first!

A high skilled miner will have used many different kinds of pickaxes during his/her career.
Show your appreciation to the smith who made them (B-Quality or not!) by smelting 150 bronze bars. You can use the ores and lumber that have been approved for each of you from the Resource silo, add the bars back to the Resource Silo when done.

A good miner should have a decent carrying capacity so he/she can carry many heavy ores at once.
Gain 10k Tradingxp to show us you are able to expand your carrying capacity if needed.
For each of you 209 gold coins have been approved in the Advanced Armory, combine this with lumber (or beetle crap if you Erfdarian)from the Resource silo to get your tradingxp.

A good miner will do more than just mine ores.
You will have to be able to defend your ores in the compound when needed.
Miners below combatlvl 20have to get 15k combatxp to show us they are willing to defend.
Miners above combatlvl 20 have to gain 50k combatxp to show us their strenght.

Now show us why you want to be called a miner.
Mine 250 coal ores, 2k iron ores and 200 bauxite ores.
(if you aren’t able to mine bauxite yet mine 200 extra coal ores)
Add the ores to the Resource Silo.

As you see miners are supported by a lot of other skills to be able to do a good job.
You may get annoyed by all these ‘silly’ tasks, but hopefully you will learn a valuable lesson out of this.

Msg Aglarele when you are done with a certain task so she can update the contestpage.

Ancano 490,827 ==> 552,047 <== DONE
Luna Angelus 0 ==> 310,766
Incubusking 7,836,052 ==> 24,668,253
Kurb_killer363 108,298 ==> 108,298
Tora 9,960,113 ==> 12,209,274 <== DONE

– Ancano 32,545 ==> 33,545 <== DONE
– Luna Angelus 135 ==> 21,861
– Incubusking 4,395 ==> 4,395
– Kurb_Killer363 180 ==> 180
– Tora 261,718 ==> 275,088 <== DONE

– Ancano 6,300 ==> 16,083 <== DONE
– Luna Angelus 2,640 ==> 30,068
– Incubusking 9,156 ==> 70,952
– Kurb_Killer363 38,952 ==> 38,952
– Tora 121,706 ==> 160,973 <== DONE

– Ancano 10,030 ==> 29,728 <== DONE
– Luna Angelus 0 ==> 156,616
– Incubusking 31,896 ==> 659,655
– Kurb_Killer363 13,715 ==> 13,835
– Tora 99,360 ==> 155,342 <== DONE

– Ancano 758,363 ==> 6,826,681 <== DONE
– Luna Angelus 415,345 ==> 8,990,047
– Incubusking 997,063 ==> 4,847,102
– Kurb_Killer363 484,980 ==> 816,275
– Tora 709,419 ==> 832,281 <== DONE

– Ancano 93,307 ==> 148,960 <== DONE
– Luna Angelus 818 ==> 232,514
– Incubusking 1,510 ==> 1,820
– Kurb_Killer363 64,809 ==> 64,809
– Tora 533,297 ==> 2,857,099 <== DONE

– Ancano 1,640 ==> 16,833 <== DONE
– Luna Angelus 630 ==> 19,120
– Incubusking 10,367 ==> 15,797
– Kurb_Killer363 4,748 ==> 4,862
– Tora 42,040 ==> 52,505 <== DONE

– Ancano 1,012,162 ==> 1,029,692 <== DONE
– Luna Angelus 5,232 ==> 42,470
– Incubusking 68,301 ==> 75,136
– Kurb_Killer363 277,361 ==> 277,361
– Tora 225,089 ==> 237,516 <== DONE