Movoda Manual - anoobsopinion

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A noob's opinion

Hello everyone,

Before I start I have to do a small disclaimer, hopefully it'll cool some people's blood.

It is a long post but please read it all.
I am not whinning.
I am not demanding.
Everything I wrote here is with the idea of improving the game in general and for everyone.
You can disagree, but I ask you to EXPLAIN why you do with valid arguments.

First I am going to point out some things without commenting, just to show where and how my opinion comes from.

Found in the last 10 items added :

I'll stop now, there is more food for even higher levels.

New fighting area have the following monsters :

About the transformation skills (crafting, cooking, smithing, construction).
* Crafting

Food :
Raisin Bread: – 4 Crafting Time for 25 minutes (found one buyorder at 50)
Pizza: – 4 Crafting Time for 30 minutes (90V ?)
Stuffed Pepper: +1 Crafting Success for 30 minutes (125V)
Bottle Of Wine: -4 Crafting Time for 25 minutes, -2 Crafting Success for 30 minutes ?

* Cooking

Food :
Stone Soup: -1 Cooking Time for 15 minutes (holliday only ?)
Rhizard Stew: -2 Cooking Time for 30 minutes (last auction 82V)
Summer Sausage: -4 Cooking Time for 20 minutes (holliday only ?)

* smithing
Not sure the difference between smeting and smithing still stands, if it stands it's even worth than I thought.

Food :
Bottle of Juice -1 Smelting Time for 20 minutes (20–25V ?)
Spaghetti Platter -3 Smithing Time for 25 minutes (100V ?)
Scalloped Oysters +1 Smithing Success for 40 minutes (150V ?)
Bottle of Vodka -3 Smithing Time for 25 minutes, -2 Smithing Success for 30 minutes ()

* construction No fail rate

Food :
Fried Steak : -2 Construction Time for 25 minutes (

I am probably missing some items and certainly some food please correct me :)

Now here are my personal opinion and commentaries

Things I like.

Let me start with what I find very well done (and thank you to all who spent time making it).

I love the quests, there are quests for almost all levels, the difficulty is growing nicely, the rewards are almost always worth the trouble.
There are still currently some quests missing in some skills (Harvesting, mid level smithing quest ...) but they might be cooking as I write this.
Keep up the good work !

The invasions are great, there are some low, mid and high level ones.
The drops are nice even for low invasion monsters (eggs, skins ...).

The random harvests are nice, allowing people to get access to valuable crops at lower levels.

The guild system rocks, compound and guild buildings are my favorite.
It's just perfect :)

Things I don't like and should be improved

Bonused items

From the above stats it is pretty obvious that two skills are not well balanced.

– Construction has only a few items giving -time, but on the other hand they have 100% success so that probably makes it up.
– Smithing has NO item giving +success before lv 45 smithing (9 players in the game). And the only item there is is made of silver.

New stuff
– Amongst the newly added things to the game probably 90% are for the benefit of 5–10 players.
– Most of the players are month away of being able to make those items, fight those monsters, cook those foods.
– Most of the players are month away of being able to profit from the new items, drops, foods (can you really afford a -success when you are not 30+ level over what you are working on ?).


A gaming community is a living one.
People come and go, and new players are as important as old players.
Too keep this game running we need new players, they will fill the holes left by the old players who stopped playing, they will allow you to keep playing by donating (to get the cool colours and smileys :P ).
To keep them one need to entertain them and make them want for more.
It's good to have new high level items for the best players and to give new dreamt goals to the others but it is always nice to have 'reachable' goals.
The discussion over the last hollidays was mostly around the fact that they were more built for high level players than for the 'average' player. Although I don't mind and enjoyed them, some people are still bitter.

I am a noob (check my joining date) and I love the game (compare with my playtime) and all I said was for the common good.
I hope I don't sound bitter or jealous, I don't feel like it.


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