Movoda Manual - beautyofrain

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Like the Touch of Rain by Edward Thomas

Like the touch of rain she was
On a man's flesh and hair and eyes
When the joy of walking thus
Has taken him by surprise:

With the love of the storm he burns,
He sings, he laughs, well I know how,
But forgets when he returns
As I shall not forget her 'Go now'.

Those two words shut a door
Between me and the blessed rain
That was never shut before
And will not open again.

The First Rain by Yehuda Amichai

The first rain reminds me
Of the rising summer dust.
The rain doesn't remember the rain of yesteryear.
A year is a trained beast with no memories.
Soon you will again wear your harnesses,
Beautiful and embroidered, to hold
Sheer stockings: you
Mare and harnesser in one body.

The white panic of soft flesh
In the panic of a sudden vision
Of ancient saints.

Rain Rain Rain by Anoop Lokkur

Rain Rain Rain,
Up above from the skies
u come,
As drops of joy
As drops of sorrow
As a shower of blessing from the heavens.

Rain Rain Rain,
Pitter patter pitter patter
on the window panes,
thunder and lightning fill up the skies
creating an orchestral symphony.

Rain Rain Rain,
With wind, sun and clouds,
seven colors u bring together
and joy in our hearts.

Rain Rain Rain
A miracle to a drought
A curse when in glut,
tiny silver crystals trickles from up above

Rain, Rain by Shiloh Thompson

Rain, rain, fall today,
Wash away my debts to pay,
Cleanse me of my sins I pray,
Rain, rain, fall away.

Rain, rain, fall away,
Wash away the blood today,
Wake us from this dream I say,
Rain, rain, here to stay.

Rain, rain, here to stay,
Keep the sin of hate at bay,
Love is coming here to stay,
Rain, rain, fall today.