Movoda Manual - bluephoenix/gameideas
©2007 Ninja Squirrel Designs
An odd sight; a dwarf and an elf sit along the beach of Danycia with maps and notes scattered all about them.
Ye know tha Dragons are all up in a fuss. Something big is about to happen. I'va a noticed too that the air seems.. more thick if ye take me meaning elf.
I have noticed that the forest is in more distress than normal for the fall. The Dragons or whatever they are, for lack of better knowledge, migrating towards your lands.
Aye, it's enuff that we have to deal with those accursed cave and baby dragons without adding tha Silver and Ambers' to the lot!Those storm clouds to the far part of the ocean look forboding as well, omens' I tell ye, Omens! So elf, how do we go about solving this one hmm? They'll devour your lands and mine if we do not come up with something fast.
We do not know if they really are Dragons, or even Dragon kin. We do not know why the weather effects them so. What we do know, my dear dwarf, is that they are becoming more and more avaricious the more the weather turns. I think it is time..
Ye think they are ready!? Truly? Are ye mad or have ye gone completely denser than mythral! What about the ports and mines and smithies we have already! They're already at 90% capacity as it is. You'll run them to the ground if we do it!..
Oh, and you have a better plan in place? Look out to far dwarf, clouds I see, yes. But more alarming is the smoke rising from the ocean.
The elf kicks at a dead fish that has washed up on shore.
Regardless if the others are ready or not, we must try, or we will not live long enough to enjoy those smithies, nor my beloved magical forest.
The dwarf spits on the fish in frustration
Aye! and aye again ye tree hugging pointy ear! We'll open them up again then durn it all! Ye be knowin what is down there with all those precious gems don't ye elf? We'll let them out, but ye be the ones' that want this, so ye be the ones to take responsibility. We'll also send over yer machines as well. Cursed things that they be...
The ground starts to shake and both elf and dwarf are thrown to the ground...