What i can cook:
Cooked Meat
20 Secs
Out of 100 Meat got: 100 Cooked Meat
Cooked Mackerel
20 Secs
Out of 100 Mackerel got: 100 Cooked Mackerel
Cooked Bass
20 Secs
Out of 100 Bass got: 100 Cooked Bass
Cooked Flounder (very close to %100)
20 Secs
Out of 100 Flounder got: 98 Cooked Flounder
20 Secs
Out of X Dough got:
X Secs
Out of 100 Meatloaf got: 100 Meatloaf
Cooked Haddock
X Secs
Out of 100 Haddock got: 94 Cooked Haddock
Ground Meat
20 Secs
Out of 100 Meat got: 100 Ground Meat
Tomato Sauce
X Secs
Out of X Tomato Sauce got:
Tuna Steaks
X Secs
Out of X Tuna got:
Cooked Salmon
X Secs
Out of 100 Salmon got: 100 Cooked Salmon
Magic Fishsticks
20 Secs
Out of 10 Magic Fishs got: 20 Magic Fishsticks
Shark Steaks
X Secs
Out of 100 Sharks got: 31 Shark Fin, 38 Sharp Tooth, 176 Shark Steak
Out of 400 Sharks got: 113 Shark Fin, 127 Sharp Tooth, 681 Shark Steak
Out of 500 Sharks got: 143 Shark Fin, 155 Sharp Tooth, 866 Shark Steak
Out of 500 Sharks got: 169 Shark Fin, 170 Sharp Tooth, 856 Shark Steak
Out of 500 Sharks got: 163 Shark Fin, 167 Sharp Tooth, 846 Shark Steak
Out of 100 Sharks got: 29 Shark Fin, 25 Sharp Tooth, 165 Shark Steak
Bottle of Juice
X Secs
Out of 100 Bottle of Juice got: 100 Bottle of Juice
Bottle of Soup
80 Secs
Out of 268 Bottle of Soup got: 268 Bottle of Soup, 213 Empty Bottle
Out of 250 Bottle of Soup got: 250 Bottle of Soup, 191 Empty Bottle
Soups Note
Seafood Platter
25 Secs
Out of 300 Seafood Platter got: 300 Seafood Platter
Bottle of Poison
X Secs
Out of X Bottle of Poison got:
61 Secs
Out of 250 Stew got: 250 Stew, 193 Empty Bottle
Out of 1000 Stew got: 1000 Stew, 813 Empty Bottle
X Secs
Out of X Pizza got:
Spaghetti Platter
X Secs
Out of X Spaghetti Platter got:
Bunch of Raisins
X Secs
Out of X Bunch of Raisins got:
Herbal Tea
X Secs
Out of X Herbal Tea got:
Mint Tea
X Secs
Out of X Mint Tea got:
Bottle of Beer
X Secs
Out of X Bottle of Beer got:
Nation only foods i can cook:
X Secs
Out of 52 Flatbread got: 51 Flatbread
X Secs
Out of X Pike got:
X Secs
Out of X Muffin got:
Beetle Goulash
X Secs
Out of X Beetle Goulash got:
Tuna Casserole
X Secs
Out of X Tuna Casserole got:
Meat Pie
X Secs
Out of X Meat Pie got:
Shark Squibs
X Secs
Out of X Shark Squibs got:
Fish Kabob
X Secs
Out of X Fish Kabob got:
Berry Cordial
X Secs
Out of X Berry Cordial got:
Seafood Stir Fry
X Secs
Out of X Seafood Stir Fry got:
Peach Brandy
X Secs
Out of X Peach Brandy got:
Color Codes:
%100 = no burn rate
Not %100
Not Sure
Those are with out master chef
If the timer on the food its too high i will cook it, but you have give me some hot hands from time to time or some rhizards stews, also could take a % of the items cooked :)
Tips are welcome ::)
Soups are cooked only if you give me rhizards stews to keep me at min time or close or if i get a % of them, sorry but timer its too long on them to make it worth cooking :-/ (to make 90 soups a min time i need 30 rhizard stews, for 1k soups would take 334 Rhizard Stews)
402 Bottle of Juice
1174 Seafood Platter
402 Beetle Goulash
80 Magic Fishstick
Food on stock for direct trade (Materials needed)
750 soups – Pibird
Orders Done:
1k stews – farmerboy