Movoda Manual - evertsMining
©2007 Ninja Squirrel Designs
Welcome to Everts Mining. Movoda's Number 1 mining service. you can keep track of your order here or on my forum post. Any ores not listed can be ordered but my rates will be high than market value. This is due to the xp gains and i can mine them with great speed.
Ok here is my price list
Iron Ore 6v Per
Bauxite Ore 7v Per
Myth Ore 10v Per
Adamantite Ore 10v Per
Silver Ore 20,000v Per Max Order is 4 Silver
Note: I can not mine Titanium due to my race.
Order Rules!
Maximum order is 2000 for all ores except Iron you can order up to 3000 Iron.
Slot 1: Bratzer 3,000/3,000 Iron Awaiting Delivery
Slot 2: Aglarele 1,300/3,000 Iron ETA: 3 Days
Slot 3: Cradle 2,000 Bauxite ETA: 7 Days
Slot 4: Nisa 3,000 Iron ETA: 10 Days
Slot 5: oskar8 2,000 Bauxite ETA 14 Days
Silver Ore Reserved
Feel free to message me any questions or to place an order.